Page 33 of Bedroom Rodeo
Piers followed a second later, and they faced each other.
“That was…” He scrubbed a hand over his face but there was no erasing the vision of Sylvee coming apart in that bathtub.
Piers’s chest heaved. “I know. Fuck, she’s perfect. And she doesn’t even know it.”
Ash cocked a brow. “What does that mean?”
“Charlie had an affair.”
He didn’t even realize he’d fisted both hands until his knuckles popped. “That bastard.”
Piers let out a slow trickle of air and walked over to the refrigerator. When he opened the door, Ash saw that it was stocked, as always. He grabbed two bottles of water and tossed one to Ash. He had to unfurl his fingers to catch it.
“I bet she’s really glad she came to Alaska.”
Piers paused with the cap half twisted off the bottle. “Even after what just happened at the river? How can you be joking right now?”
“It scared the hell out of me too. You know that trauma makes me funny.”
Piers moved to the sofa and dropped onto it, head bowed and the drink forgotten in his hand. “Jesus, that moment she came off her horse will haunt me for a goddamn long time.”
“No shit. I already replayed it a dozen times on the way here. We brought her here thinking she could help with Avril’s legal issue, but now… She needs us to take care of her. Treat her right. We can’t let anything happen to her.”
He didn’t say why—he didn’t need to. When Piers met his gaze, they shared a knowing look.
She was their top priority. They both loved her. Hell, they always had. Now more than ever.
“What the hell do we do now?” Ash’s voice sounded like boot heels scraping across gravel.
Piers cocked his head at the sound of the water swirling down the drain. “In seconds Sylvee will emerge from her bath, warm, wet and smelling like flowers. Pink from her release and still needy if I have anything to say about it.”
Ash eyed him. “We do it tonight? We take her at the same time?”
Piers’s throat worked on a swallow. “If she’ll have us.”
Need lashed at him. “First we feed her.”
* * * * *
Sylvee’s nerves jumped as she walked out of the bathroom. At this point, she couldn’t guess at what she’d see Piers and Ash doing. They could be naked. Hard bodies bowing with ecstasy. They could be sucking each other…
Fucking each other.
Forbidden imaginings teased over her senses at the very thought. Her two best friends had physical relations. She never, ever pictured such a thing, but now that she’d witnessed it firsthand, it seemed…right.
She saw the affection they had for each other, and the glow in their eyes whenever they looked at her made her fizzle. The long, lonely path she’d been treading since Charlie’s infidelity seemed to be a faint cloud of dust on the road of her life.
She walked out of the bathroom and found that one of the guys had placed her small bag on the bed. For a moment, she considered staying naked, but Piers and Ash probably had work to do with the cattle. Playtime would come later.
After rummaging through the few items of clothing she’d brought, she selected an oversize T-shirt and stretchy lounge pants. Since she’d packed with sexy times in mind, she didn’t have any normal underwear, only pretty, lacy thongs and silky string bikinis.
Slipping on the red lace thong with a small jewel embellishment that nestled at the crest of her buttocks made her feel more than sexy—it left her feeling heady with power.
Her friends—lovers now—would lose it when they saw her in these.
When she was fully dressed, she stepped out of the bedroom to the scent of frying bacon.
Her stomach hollowed with hunger. That small breakfast they’d shared in the “grub hall” back at the ranch had long ago faded.