Page 36 of Bedroom Rodeo
Piers reached out and nudged her plate toward her, urging her to eat. Then he looked at Ash. “We gotta get back to the ranch.”
She couldn’t read the silent communication happening between them.
After a long heartbeat, Ash nodded. “We can’t be late for the spa treatments.”
Sylvee knew them well enough to guess this spa day had just been decided upon.
While they hadn’t said no to her request, they definitely weren’t jumping in with an offer to father her baby either.
No matter. If they chose to turn her down, she would find another way to fulfill her own happiness.
For now, she had good food, quality wine, great company and a spa day to look forward to. If she was even luckier, her men would give her not only what she wanted…but needed.
Chapter Seven
Piers had pulled all the strings. Used all his sway. He finally managed to convince Rowan, the ranch spa guru, to make room in his booked schedule for Sylvee.
When he walked out of there, the scent of lavender and the trill of wood flute music followed him all the way to the bungalow.
Pure and simple, the excuse was a move to stall for time. After the bombshell Sylvee dumped on him and Ash, who could blame him?
Her request couldn’t be taken lightly. He and Ash needed time to talk things through.
When he entered the bungalow, his chest tightened at the sight of Sylvee sitting in the wreath of Ash’s arms. His mouth trailed over the column of her throat.
She stopped mid-sigh and twisted her head to look at Piers.
God, the look in her eyes hooked him in the gut. As if she held the end of the long hook, she drew him to her without him ordering his feet to move.
Ash didn’t stop kissing her throat even when she tipped her face up for Piers’s kiss.
The instant he tasted her, a husky groan erupted from his throat. He deepened the kiss, flicking his tongue over hers in tender passes that stirred the need inside him even more.
When he withdrew, he took a second to appreciate the dazed expression on her face.
“What’s the news on the spa?” Ash broke the long look between Piers and Sylvee.
“They’re ready for her.”
Ash released her from his hold, and Piers took her hand, assisting her to her feet. Her delicious curves tormented him even more now that he kept picturing her pregnant with his child. Or Ash’s child.
Their child.
He took her by the hand and guided her to the door. When they were all outside, he sucked in a deep breath of the cool spring air, but it did nothing to ease the pressure in his chest.
They all fell into step. No one spoke. The cattle drive had taken a lot of energy. The fear from seeing Sylvee wiped off her horse into that cold water stripped years off his life. Their original plan had been to stay in the lodge there, but Piers’s panic brought them on another long horseback ride back to the ranch.
Sylvee stared at the sky. “What time is it?”
“Around nine,” Ash responded.
She peered at him. “At night?”
“But it’s so light out.”