Page 67 of Bedroom Rodeo
He didn’t grace the comment with an answer, only grunted in reply.
“Take a seat.”
“I’d rather not.”
Riggs cocked a dark brow. He really was a good-looking man. Tall and muscular from working on the ranch in Texas. He’d once been a Boot Knocker like himself.
But they were not the same. Riggs already had what he wanted—Hugh and a beautiful wife they shared. Ash was still fighting to find what it was that he would be allowed to hold on to.
At this point, he wasn’t even sure if that was his job.
Riggs attempted a smile to put him at ease, but it looked like more of a grimace.
Ash didn’t feel much camaraderie with the man at the moment.
“All right, then we’ll stand.” Riggs thumbed his hat in a gesture that Ash saw as a nervous one. Good—he’d thrown him off his game.
Ash wasn’t fucking around. “Why did Hugh call Piers to the office?” Ash demanded.
“He had a question.”
“Is it the same question you plan on asking me? Because I’m starting to feel played.” He clenched his molars before he totally popped off and said something he couldn’t take back.
Riggs’s shoulders slumped a bit. “Look, I’m not here to interrogate you about the office girl again. I wanted to discuss something totally different.”
That had his attention. He took another of those deep breaths to control himself.
“I’m listening.”
“I’ve been watching you and Piers together. I know you have a dynamic.” Apparently, Riggs wasn’t fucking around either.
“I won’t deny it.”
“You signed as a package deal. One of your terms was that you’ll only bring another woman into your bed.”
“That’s right.”
“You love him.”
The words shocked Ash. The emotions he always kept at bay, tucked deep in a private spot inside his heart, surfaced. His nose burned, and he pinched it to stave off the sensation of tears that threatened thanks to those words, spoken so boldly.
So freely.
“I do.” His voice was gritty.
Riggs’s eyes softened. He nodded. “I understand. I had to know exactly what those feelings were before I offered you something.”
His stare met Riggs’s. “A deal?”
“You could call it that.”
“I’m interested to hear what you have to say.”
“I was hoping you’d say that. Now will you sit and hear me out?”
Ash gave him a reluctant nod. Whatever the man had to tell him was worth hearing. He would give him a chance. After all, he was on the brink of losing everything anyway.
Slowly, he moved to one of the big leather chairs and took a seat.