Page 72 of Bedroom Rodeo
He twitched his head. “Let’s find someplace to talk.”
Ash looked toward the bungalow. “What about Sylvee?”
“She doesn’t need to hear this. Not yet.” He led the way to the closest place that would give them a chance for privacy.
“The grain shed, Piers?”
“No one will find us here.” He opened the door, and Ash stepped inside.
As soon as Piers shut the door, and only a trickle of light from around the doorframe seeped through, he caught Ash’s fresh scent, and his eyelids lowered.
He hooked his lover around the neck and brought him close.
“Piers. What’s going on? You’re worrying the hell out of me.”
“They know, Ash. They know Sylvee wants a baby, and they probably know what we did.”
“What we—” He broke off. “How can that be?”
“They just questioned me, and I lied by omission.”
“Jesus Christ, Piers.”
He dropped his forehead against Ash’s. “What else was I gonna do? Admit that we knew what she wanted and set out to impregnate her? They don’t care that we’ve loved her since childhood. They don’t give a damn about anything but the money and the contract.”
Ash stiffened. “That must be why…”
He jerked back. “Why what?”
“Why Riggs offered to buy us both out of our contracts—if we go to Texas.”
“Fuck!” He pressed his thumb and forefinger into each temple. They were throbbing, probably because his blood pressure had gone through the shed roof and shot as high as Mount Denali.
“What did you tell Riggs?” His roughened tone was pitched low.
“I said we’d think on the offer. At the time, it seemed so damn genuine. Now…I don’t know what to think.”
“Start at the top. Tell me what he said to you.”
Ash began to speak in a low voice, relaying every word exchanged. About how they could be free of their contracts…and make big, fat bonuses.
“Why would they offer us a way out if they suspect we broke contracts? Why not just cut us loose?” Ash shook his head. “It doesn’t make any sense.”
“They’re still playing us.”
“I don’t think so.”
“No? How can you say that, Ash? Since they came to the ranch, they’ve been digging up every speck of dirt that they can find on all of us Boot Knockers.”
“I don’t think they’re bad guys. Riggs…he knew my feelings for you. He knows we’re more than just friends with benefits. He knows that…I’m in love with you.”
* * * * *
The words hung in the silence. Ash’s heart lodged in his throat.
Piers said nothing.
Never before had he admitted his feelings for his lover. They’d spoken of friendship, bonds, helping a buddy out when one needed to blow a nut.