Page 20 of Obeying His Rules
He smirks and shakes his head. “He’s the boss. You know how he is. I just drive. I don’t ask questions.”
“Yeah. You and me both, buddy.”
The drive to Marlon’s building doesn’t take long. Chris and I sit in silence for the rest of it. I don’t pull out my phone until the second half of the ride–I feel like it would be rude as it’s just the two of us–but when I realize Chris isn’t going to make conversation and neither am I, I just go ahead and take after Jasmine and look up some funny cat videos.
When we arrive, Chris pulls up and does something up front, causing my door to open automatically yet again.
“Thanks for the lift,” I tell him, hopping out.
“Hang on a second,” he replies. “You’ll need me to get into the elevator.”
“Oh, right. That whole deal.”
I laugh half-heartedly, trying to diffuse some of the awkwardness of the situation as Chris leads me past the doormen, through the foyer and to the elevator, which he opens with a keycard from his wallet.
He then pulls out his phone and sends a text–I assume to Marlon–and waits.
Why do I feel like a package being delivered by a very expensive delivery service?
The doors to the elevator open, and he points for me to step inside.
“It’ll take you up to his penthouse,” he remarks. “Have a nice night.”
“Oh, uh, thanks?” I reply as I step into the elevator.
It’s more than a little awkward to be shuttled over to a man’s residence by one of his employees, then told by that same man to have a nice night when both of you know just what you’re about to go and do up there.
But it’s not necessarily a given that I’m going to have sex when I reach Marlon’s penthouse. We could just be playing chess or watching a movie for all Chris knows.
He turns and waves at me as the elevator doors close, a smirk on his face, and a sigh escapes my lips.
No, he knows what we’re doing. Of course he does.
I double-check that everything about the way I look is how it should be as I ride the elevator, and when it slows and stops and the doors open, I see Marlon seated beside a flickering fireplace I didn’t even notice the last time I was here.
He’s wearing nothing whatsoever, and the orange glow from the flames accentuates every one of his taut, sculpted muscles.
I put all this effort into my appearance, and he’s just sitting here half-naked?
“It’s your kind of day today.”
“What?” I ask, confused. Then I get it. “Oh, because it’s raining? Ha-ha.”
I notice his clothes, lying scattered across the floor like he kicked them off as he came in. They appear to be soaking wet as well.
“Get stuck in it?” I ask, pointing to them.
“What’s our new rule?” he asks, getting to his feet. My mind seems to skip a functioning process as I’m confronted with the full magnificence of his entire naked body. His cock swings between his legs like a massive pendulum on a great clock.
“Seriously?” I ask. “I can’t even ask about your wet clothes?”
He moves in on me with such speed it takes my breath away and coils his hand in my hair, tilts my head back and drags his lips up my neck as though he were a vampire.
“You’re here for one thing and one thing only, Rain. If you’re not okay with that, I can have my driver take you home right now.”
Wow. What a fucking asshole.
I should leave just to spite him. But as he slides his other hand up my thigh, lifting the hem of my dress, allowing me to feel the calluses on his hand and the strength hiding in his grip, I feel myself give in.