Page 28 of Line Change
Thea flashes her fake ID for everyone to see. “Fuck,” I mutter and quickly swipe the card from her hand, slipping into my back pocket. “Where the fuck did you get this?”
“It’s none of your concern so can you please give it back?” Her tone starts off angrily but changes to sweet by the end. Coupled with the fact her hand is sticking out and she’s batting her eyelashes, I almost give in. But no. Not here.
“The hell I will. This piece of shit ID can get you in trouble and us closed down. You need to leave. I’m not serving you and no one else here will either.”
Thea carries on about how I can’t tell her what to do and how I don’t own her. She’s right because, while it’s illegal to own a human, if she were mine, I’d be the one stuck to her like glue. I’d be the one at the bar, getting her drinks, watching over her at night while she had fun with her friend, dancing with her, and making sure she was safe. Thea threatens to tell my boss, which is comical. What is she going to say, “I’m sorry but I brought a fake ID in, and Kyler the asshole wouldn’t serve me?” I’d get a fucking raise.
“No, Thea,” I say through gritted teeth, to show her I’m serious. “Get your stuff and go home.” I start to walk away when I hear the unthinkable come out of her mouth.
“Fuck you, Kyler!”
She just doesn’t say this but yells it at the top of her lungs. I turn and face Thea. My eyes bore into hers as I work to maintain composure. When one of the server’s brushes by me, I tell them I’ll be right back. I walk around the bar, grab Thea’s arm, and drag her to the back where we can have an adult conversation without everyone listening. The entire time, she’s trying to get out of my grip. I only ease up enough so I can slip my hand into hers. I don’t want people to think I’m hurting her because I never would. Her hand melds perfectly with mine, something I didn’t expect. I thought she’d continue to fight me, but she’s not.
When we get to the back, I continue until we’re in the office. I pull her in and slam the door behind us. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, coming into my work and acting like some snot-nosed brat.”
“Clearly, if I knew you worked here, Millie and I would’ve stayed the hell away. The last thing I want is to have to deal with you.”
“Then why not leave when I fucking told you to?” Our voices are elevated, but thankfully no one can hear us over the music. “All you had to do was walk out the second you saw me, but you sat your pretty ass down thinking you could pull one over on me because we share the same house. It’s not happening.”
“Share the same house? Are you kidding me? I’m not even sure why you have a room there. You should move your stuff out and give it to someone who actually wants to be there.”
“I do want to be there?—”
“Right, except when you’re with your baby mama. She must keep you on a short leash, huh?” Thea crosses her arms over her chest, only they’re not over anything, but tucked under her plump breasts. Inside, rage builds. Her assumptions of me are so off base I want to correct her and tell her how she has me all wrong, but I don’t have the energy. She spews the same vitriolic tone as her boyfriend. Two peas in a pod, thinking they’re better than everyone else.
“You don’t know jack shit about me.” I head to the door, determined to put as much distance between us as possible. Tomorrow, I’ll move out and she’ll never have to wonder if I’m ever coming home.
“Stop. Don’t you dare walk away from me!” Thea yells at my back. “Why don’t you like me?”
I stare at the peeling paint and run through every scenario I can, looking for the moment when she assumed I didn’t like her. “Thea?—”
“No,” she barks out. Thea moves until she’s standing between me and the door. She looks at me with her brown eyes, pleading to be let in. Her hand rests on chest and my heart thumps wildly, which I’m certain she can feel. “Ky,” she says my name softly and it weakens my knees and tears at my soul.
“Fuck it.” I bend slightly and cup my hands around the back of her legs to lift her. Our mouths collide before I have her pressed against the door. Thea opens her mouth, inviting me in. It’s an invitation I’m going to take. The instant my tongue touches her, I’m done for. The way I feel when she’s around, increases tenfold. I want her. All of her.
Our mouths and hands move in sync. There’s no question we both wanted this moment to happen. Her fingers push into my hair, gripping a handful when I start to kiss her neck. With one hand still on her thigh, my fingers dig into her flesh. She moans, and the sound goes straight to my dick. Without hesitation, I push into her, showing her what she does to me.
Thea tightens her legs around my waist and bucks. Her hand moves from my hair, down my shoulder and up under my shirt. Her touch burns my skin. I suck in a gulp of air, relishing in the way her hand feels around my stomach. I hoist her a bit higher, to give her access to where she wants to go. To where I need her to be. Thea moans, and it’s not like the fake-ass shit I’ve convinced myself she does with her boyfriend . . .
I stop and pull her legs away from me. I hold her until I figure she’s steady on her feet and then turn from her and take a deep breath. “You should go,” I say to her.
“What if I don’t want to?” she challenges me.
“Thea, please.”
She quiet, probably contemplating my demise. “I’ll go if you promise me one thing.”
I hate making promises. “What?” Right now, I’ll promise her anything if she leaves this room and the bar.
“Come home tonight, Ky.” I can hear her moving about in the room. She presses into my back and her hands snake around my waist. “Just come home so we can talk.”
I nod without any hesitation and say nothing. I stand there, staring at the wall until I hear the door shut.
* * *
After I close the bar, I sit in my car for a bit, wondering how I got myself into the situation I am in now. I’m supposed to go to a fight. I’m supposed to be in some makeshift ring, in some hidden warehouse, fighting for money. After Thea left the bar, I texted my friend and said I couldn’t make it. Of course, this didn’t make anyone involved very happy, except for the guy I planned to beat the shit out of tonight and I promised to make it up to them.
There’s that word again, promise. It’s not a word I ever use unless it’s with Lacey. For her, I’ll never go back on my word, but for anyone else, I never want to say it. Thea made me do so tonight and because of her, I had to make another promise, one I can’t break no matter how badly I want to.