Page 40 of Line Change
This time it’s my turn to take a deep breath, put on my big-girl pants and come clean to Kyler. I’ve not exactly been forthcoming about my current relationship status, and I can understand how seeing what he saw would upset him, especially as he was the one who told me about Adam’s infidelity.
“Adam and I broke up,” I confess, starting off with the bombshell I know he wasn’t expecting. By his reaction, I know I’m right. His head shoots up quickly at my words.
“Probably about a few hours after those photos were taken, actually,” I continue. “What you saw was me putting on a brave face for our annual Thanksgiving photos. I should have realized Jude would upload them. He does every year. After dinner, Adam and I talked. I asked him about the development and hooking-up with his colleague, and he didn’t deny it. I’ll spare you the details, but long story short, I ended our relationship. We came home early because I wanted to talk to you without the others around. I wanted to tell you what happened. So, when I saw your door open . . .”
Kyler sits forward, reaching his hand to me, but I don’t take it. I’m not ready yet to close the distance between us, not until we’ve both said what we need to say.
“When I saw your door open, and you both walked out, I guess everything just caught up with me. I know I don’t have a right to be upset, but seeing you with this blonde bombshell? It made me realize whatever this is between us, it’s complicated. You’ve got enough complications in your life right now, Ky. I’m sorry I added to it.”
“You’re not a complication, Thea. You’re the only thing in my life that’s not complicated.” Ky reassures me, this time standing up from his spot on the floor and walking toward me. He crouches down when he’s near so he’s at eye level and takes his hand in mine. As soon as he makes contact, the electric charge between us comes back with a vengeance, and I welcome the feeling of being on the precipice of ignition with open arms.
“Friends?” he asks, hope lacing his voice.
I nod once and respond, “Friends.”
We remain holding hands for a while, and a moment of peace passes over me as the tension of the last few days falls away. Once the moment passes, I address his initial question—the one he used to gain entry into my room.
“So, Millie’s present? She likes crystals. You know the type that are meant to calm you? She swears they work. I’d buy her something along those lines if I were you. Those or aromatherapy oils.”
Kyler nods as he lets go of my hand and stands, and I immediately mourn the loss of our connection.
“Crystals and oils. Okay, sounds easy enough,” he says.
“And no mention of me helping you. Remember the rules of Secret Santa,” I remind him. He walks toward my door, turning around before he leaves.
“My lips are sealed,” he says, mimicking zipping his lips together. “I’m glad we’re friends, Thea.”
“I’m glad too, Ky.”
Kyler leaves the door open as he exits my room, and the significance is not lost on me as I find my heart opening up to him again too.
It’s the last day of school until winter vacation. Everyone will go home, sleep for days, eat a ton of food, and celebrate with their friends. It’s times like these when I wish I went to school away from my family because then I’d have something to look forward to, even if it was only for a few days. The hockey team gets a couple of days off, and then we’re back on the ice for a holiday tournament. Usually, I don’t care about being alone during the break, but this year is different. I like having Thea and Millie around, and while the guys will be back the day after Christmas Day, it won’t be the same without the girls. Millie is like an annoying little sister you don’t mind being around, while Thea is the forbidden fruit you want to sink your teeth into. I want her, but I can’t have her, and it’s probably for the best.
Before everyone leaves tonight, the house is celebrating Christmas. This was Millie’s idea. She said it’ll be no fun if we don’t see each other open our presents. I happen to agree with her. I’m rather proud of what I bought her, and I’d like to see her open her present in front of me. Plus, I’m going to know who my Secret Santa is as soon as they leave their present under the tree, and if anyone thinks I’m waiting for Christmas, they’re crazy. To me, it’s just another day, and aside from a drawing or macaroni necklace from Lacey, this will be my only gift. More so, if one of the guys drew my name, they undoubtedly got me something porn related—not something I want to open in front of my mom or niece.
I’m the first one home today and decide to turn on some holiday music, light up the tree, and clean up a bit around the house, and for the first time in my life, I’m lighting a candle to make the house smell like a cookie. I bought it at the mall the other day after Lacey told me I smelled like one. Sure enough, after spending the day in the kitchen, doing my homework while Thea baked, just so I could be near her, I was a walking display for the scent. I look around the living room and feel good about this tiny celebration. All the presents are under the tree, and I’m pretty excited. This is my first exchange, and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.
The door swings open, and laughter fills the house. Thea and Millie are home. They come into the living room and stand by the tree.
“Wow, everything looks great in here and smells fabulous. Are you baking?” Thea asks me.
I want to bend over with laughter because me, cook? I mean, I could probably put something together but let’s be honest here, aside from Thanksgiving dinner, the only thing I can make and not burn is a sandwich. I lose my train of thought when making macaroni and cheese, and if I don’t set my timer, the noodles will stick to the pan.
“No, I bought a candle the other day. Smells pretty good, huh?”
“Smells amazing,” Millie says as she walks toward it. “I’m going to have to remember this brand because the aroma is spot on.”
I beam with pride. Who knew I could pick the right candle to make the occasion? While the girls continue to fuss, Jude, Nolan, and Devon arrive home. Devon announces he has to take a shit and heads up the stairs. Jude yells at him for being crude, and Nolan comes into the living room and stands next to Millie. I haven’t quite figured out what’s going on with them, but there’s something there. Not that it’s any of my business, but if Nolan thinks he’s sneaky, he should probably know he’d never make a very good spy.
“Okay, cookies are in the oven. They’ll be done in ten minutes. We’ll start then,” Thea says to us. I stay where I am, hoping Millie and Nolan will take their non-love fest to another room so I can be alone with Thea, even if nothing will happen. Just being in her presence calms me. But no, the “not” love birds stay where they are, and Thea joins them, leaving me to myself. It’s awkward standing around and doing nothing, so I volunteer to make anyone my famous hot cocoa—the one other thing I can’t burn.
“No thanks,” Nolan says, as does Millie.
“I’ll take a cup,” Thea says. I nod and head toward the kitchen, only to find her hot on my heels. I look at her from over my shoulder. “My cookies are about done.”