Page 5 of Line Change
“Good to know, maybe I should check in with him there to find out if he’ll be joining in any of our household dinners in the future.”
I grab a bowl and some fruit and begin chopping it up before adding it to my granola and yogurt. It might not be the breakfast of champions needed to calm first day nerves, but it works for me.
“You all set for your first day?” Jude asks as he walks behind me and gives me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulders.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I tell him.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Dr. Carmichael is a great teacher, so she’ll definitely put you at ease. By all accounts, everyone loves her class.”
“Been doing some research there, Jude?” I ask with a smile. This is typical Jude, always checking out a situation to ensure his friends and family will be okay and fit in. I really am blessed to have him as a brother.
“You know it, and don’t pretend you’re not a little relieved I did,” he tells me as he rinses off his plate and puts it in the dishwasher. “We leave in twenty minutes. You okay with that?”
“Yes sir, I’ll be ready,” I tell him as he walks out the kitchen with the others.
The trouble with moving colleges? I don’t have my own car. When I was in Silver Lake, Adam pretty much drove us everywhere. Truth be told, it worked for us due my lack of vehicle, and Adam has a top-of-the-line car thanks to his dad. However, Adam’s not an option in Northport, so I have to depend on Jude to be my designated driver. He loves his Jeep though, so I know he doesn’t mind, and he’s already said I can use it when I need to.
Just as I’m gathering my bag, my phone sounds with a new text message, and I see it’s from Adam.
Good luck on your first day. You’ll rock it!
Thank you. I’m so nervous. Wish you were here with me.
Nah, Jude will look after you, I’m sure. Talk later! LY x
I reply with an “I love you too” together with a heart-eye emoji and close my app. I’d hoped to speak to Adam instead so he could help calm my nerves, but we keep missing each other’s calls. He told me the other day his dad has asked him to work on a huge new project for him, and along with Adam’s ongoing coursework, it’s taking up most of his time. I get it. His dad is training him to take over the company. I just didn’t expect it to be so intense this early.
“Okay, let’s do this,” Jude says as he walks down the stairs. “Time for you to take Northport University by storm!” He, Devon, and Nolan all file out after me and he locks the door.
“Wow, no pressure then,” I tell him.
“Nah, you’re my sis, you’ll be fine.”
I hope he’s right.
* * *
Turns out, my first day isn’t going too bad, so far. Jude was right about Dr. Carmichael, and she instantly put me at ease. I had already met the head of the department a few days ago when I picked up my coursework and Dr. Carmichael is his second in charge, so to speak. Her enthusiasm about the course is infectious, and it’s impossible for it not to rub off on her students. I left my morning class with an excitement in my belly about what I’ll be learning and the reassurance I’ve made the right choice.
On my way to the cafeteria, I text Adam with a quick update about my day and how much I love the nutrition program. When I get there, the space looks daunting. There are so many faces I don’t know and wish Jude, Devon, or Nolan were here to hold my hand this one time. While our schedules won’t match every day, today is the one day we could have lunch together, but the guys have a hockey meeting and hockey comes first.
After choosing a salad, some fruit, and a drink, I sit myself down at a vacant table toward the end of the dining hall. Jude’s advice may have been to take Northport University by storm, but I draw the line at being the center of attention on my first day. I’m two bites into my salad when a tray lands opposite mine.
“Girl? Same,” is all the person says before they sit down.
I look up to find a girl, probably around my age, sitting in front of me. She has pale pink hair styled into a choppy shoulder length bob, bright blue eyes, and dark purple lipstick.
“I’m sorry, what?” I offer by way of reply, my curiosity taking the bait. She points to my salad with her fork before indicating back to her tray of food.
“Taking the safe option with the salad. I don’t blame you. Honestly, I like mac and cheese, but having to eat their version of it every day is enough to put you off for life. NU is great for a lot of things, but their dining options are not one of them. Actually, I usually try to get something to eat at The Pit if I have time, or at Cool Beans on campus. Alas, today I’m running late, so had to take what they offered.”
This girl is like a walking, talking hurricane, and it takes me a minute to catch up with her monologue on the dining options available. My lack of response doesn’t go unnoticed as she looks up at me before taking her next bite.
“Oh, sorry, my bad. I forgot to introduce myself. Millie Kennedy. Nineteen, drama and English major. And you’re Thea Jenson, right?”