Page 50 of Line Change
“All you need to know is we have his blessing. And it means a lot to me.”
“Me too.” I lean over and kiss Ky, and as is the way with us, it quickly escalates to something a lot deeper. Before long, we’re entwined with each other and breathless from our kissing marathon.
“So, I was thinking,” Kyler says, his hand running up and down my side, gently tickling me. I don’t mind, though, because having his attention solely on me is the best feeling in the world. “How would you feel about coming with me to see Lacey tomorrow?”
I sit up quickly, turning to look at him.
“Seriously? You want me to meet your niece?”
“Yeah. I do. You’re both important to me, and I’d really like it if you met her.”
“Ky . . . I’d be honored. Thank you.” If I thought my heart was full before, it’s positively overflowing now. Meeting Lacey is huge, and for Kyler to suggest it means he’s serious about us, which is just as well because I know for a fact I’m falling for him.
* * *
I arrive at the Boardwalk a few minutes early. I offered to go with Kyler to pick up Lacey, but he said it would be easier if he went by himself, and I didn’t push him as I know the subject of his family is a sensitive one. Even though he’s been opening up and has become more relaxed since we’ve been together, I’m still somewhat surprised he suggested I join him on his “Lacey date,” as he calls it. He’s not exactly an open book about family matters, and I know introducing me to her is a huge step. I only hope she likes me. Kids can be very upfront and don’t have a filter, and I know if I’m not up to par, Lacey will almost definitely make it known. So, I admit to being nervous. She’s the most important person in Kyler’s life. If she decides she doesn’t like me, I’m screwed.
Gianni’s Gelato sits in the middle of the Boardwalk and is in a prime location for tourists and locals. According to Millie, it’s the best ice cream parlor in town due to its range of flavors and topping combinations being hard to beat. Kyler, however, said it’s overrated and overpriced, and there are better ones elsewhere. But Gianni’s is his niece’s favorite, which is why we’re meeting here. Luckily, it’s fairly empty inside, given its winter and not tourist season, so I pick a table near the window and sit and wait. Ten minutes turn into twenty, and I begin to think he’s changed his mind when the door bursts open, and Kyler appears holding the hand of his tiny mini-me. He spots me immediately, and they make their way over to where I’m sitting. Lacey is excitedly reeling off all the flavors of ice cream she plans on eating today, and I can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.
“Sorry we’re late,” Ky says as he leans down and places a kiss on my cheek.
“No worries,” I reply with a smile before turning my attention to the adorable little girl next to him. She’s dressed exactly like her uncle, in jeans, a hoodie and a beanie, only hers has a huge fluffy bobble on the top. “Hi! You must be Lacey. I’m really excited to meet you.”
“Lacey, this is my friend, Thea,” Kyler tells her as he helps her climb up into a seat.
“Hi, Miss Thea!” Lacey says to me in the loud, enthusiastic way kids tend to talk in, and my heart swells at the pure adorableness of the little girl sitting opposite me. Her face is speckled with purple and pink glitter, and the reason why is being slid across the table to me.
“I made you a picture!” she announces proudly with a toothy grin.
The paper in front of me has a stick figure drawn on it with long brown hair, a big wide smile, and a very glittery dress. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever received.
“Wow, Lacey, this is amazing. I love it, thank you so much.”
“She spent all morning on it, didn’t you, Lacey-Bear?” Kyler informs me, and holy crap, someone needs to save me from melting on the spot at the term of endearment he uses. Forget his prowess on the ice or the brooding heartthrob look he’s got going on. The way he is with his niece is hands-down the sexiest thing about Kyler Rose.
Lacey nods at Ky’s statement, “I wasn’t sure what your favorite colors are but mine are pink and purple, so I thought you might like them too, so I made your dress pink and purple and then added glitter because you’re a girl like me and I like glitter because glitter makes everything pretty.”
The sentence comes out in one long, rushed breath, her words falling into each other, and I can’t help smiling at the sheer cuteness of this little five-year-old sitting in front of me.
“Well, I love pink and purple and glitter, so you did a great job. Thank you.”
I quickly glance at Kyler and notice he’s watching me with an amused smile. But it’s the way his eyes seem to have lost the tension which often appears around them that makes me realize how much this meeting means to him as well as me.
“Uncle Kyler, are we having ice cream?” Lacey asks as she pulls at his arm, bringing his attention back to her.
“Of course. Have you decided what flavor you’d like?”
“Chocolate and bubble gum and peanut butter and strawberry!”
This time I’m the one with the amused smile because, yikes, it’s a flavor combination even the hardiest ice cream enthusiast would find challenging to eat. But Kyler handles his niece’s demands like a pro.
“I don’t know, Lacey,” he says playfully as he gently tugs on one of her pigtails, “those are pretty epic flavors. What if I get them all for you, and you turn even sweeter and cuter than you already are?”
“You’re silly, Uncle Ky. Ice cream can’t do that!” she giggles, and the sound is so infectious, I can’t help but join in.
“Okay, but just so I can be sure, maybe you should stick to two flavors this time?”
Lacey sighs dramatically, almost as if she’s smart enough to realize Kyler is attempting to tone down her sugar intake, so I offer a compromise.