Page 62 of Line Change
Worried is an understatement. Going days without communication to any of us is out of character for Kyler. Not to mention not turning up for practice. He lives and breathes hockey and has said many times he wanted to go professional because it was his ticket out of here; so, to not turn up and put his career at risk is a cause for concern. I’m almost certain he blames me for Adam and his parents’ arrival at Lacey’s party. He likely thinks I’m the one who planned it all and tricked him into letting me get close to his family, so I can pass on the information to the Nelsons. By association to me, I assume he also blames Jude. But to cut off Nolan and Devon when they’ve done nothing wrong? I have no doubt there’s more to Kyler’s silence than meets the eye. And every time I think about it—which is pretty much all the time—brings a stone of anxiety to the pit of my stomach. Something is very wrong—I can feel it—and dread and panic are simmering under the calm façade I’m holding on to. One that’s slowly slipping away as the minutes, hours, and days pass.
“He’ll be okay T. This is Kyler we’re talking about. He can look after himself,” Millie says with an air of confidence as she takes the seat next to me and pulls me into her embrace.
She’s right, Kyler can look after himself, but she’s missing the point. They all are. He’s not himself. He’s angry and feeling betrayed. He already had the weight of the world on his shoulders and now? Now it’s worse because he thinks his niece could be taken away from her mother—and her family—at no notice. Jude’s already mentioned Kyler was seething at their last game and it felt as if his mind was all over the place and he wasn’t concentrating on the play. He ended up in the sin bin more times than any player that night and Coach eventually had to send him off the ice. I felt the resentment oozing off him when he brushed past me outside the arena and it was clear to me all the rage and wrath he felt toward the Nelsons was building up inside him. He was on the verge of exploding and needed an outlet to let all the hatred spill out. Yet only I know that outlet is likely to be an illegal fight. And, once I tell the others, there’s a risk it will get back to their coach and Kyler’s time on the team will be cut short. I’m not going to be the one who ruins things for him and give him another excuse to hate me.
The sound of car doors slamming has me dropping my spoon into the soup bowl and turning around in my seat. Devon walks through the front door first, followed by Jude and they both come into the kitchen.
“Any news?” I ask eagerly, my eyes following their every move.
Jude sits down heavily at the table in the corner, looking as if he’s aged ten years in four hours. Devon doesn’t look any better and desperation, fear and panic all take a hold of my body.
“We spoke to Coach,” Devon tells us. “Kyler’s in hospital.”
I can barely hold it together and the heat builds up behind my eyes, bringing with it an unwelcome moisture. My hand covers my mouth but it’s unsuccessful in holding back the gasp and questions that fall out. “Wh-what? When? Why? Is he okay?”
“All we know is he was admitted four days ago?—”
“Four days?” I know my interruptions are not helping, but I can’t help the shock and worry taking over any coherent thoughts I have. Devon clears his throat before continuing.
“But he was badly injured and so they sedated him. He had no ID on him, so they couldn’t notify anyone until he gained consciousness. All signs point to him being in an attack, or fight or something, but whatever it was, it wasn’t a fair one. Coach doesn’t know the extent of his injuries as he’s not Ky’s next of kin, but he’s the person Ky requested they call.
“Fuuuuccck!” Nolan swears under his breath and a sob falls out of me before I can stop it.
I only realize I’m shaking when Millie pulls me into her arms by way of comfort.
“Is he okay? Has Coach spoken to him?” Nolan continues.
“He hadn’t when we saw him. I think he was going to call Ky’s mom and let her know.”
“I need to go and see him.”
Four pairs of eyes immediately look over at me.
“Thea . . .”
I can hear Jude’s voice in the back of my mind as I walk mindlessly around the kitchen gathering protein bars, water, some fruit, anything Kyler might need. I reach into the closet in the hallway and pick up a backpack which I can fill with various items.
“Thea, stop.”
I’m focused on what I need to do. Ky probably also needs a fresh pair of clothes and some toiletries too and is likely waiting for them. I can’t imagine what it’s like to only have a hospital gown, or the clothes he was brought in with. He might have already asked the hospital to ask Coach for them, so someone needs to take them to him and that someone should be me.
This time I feel Jude’s arms holding mine, stopping me from continuing any further. He turns me around to face him and I know from the look of regret on his face I don’t want to hear the words he’s about to say.
“I’m sorry T, he doesn’t want to see you.”
“What? Why not?” My voice is shaky and my bottom lip trembles.
“He’s not ready yet. Not after everything that went down at Lacey’s party. He needs time, Thea, and we need to give it to him.”
“But . . . he needs clothes and food. And . . .” I find myself struggling to find the words and instead, rambling takes over. “And he probably needs to shave and freshen up and whatnot, and we have to take those things to him. We can’t leave him in a shitty hospital gown. And a charger! He’ll need a charger for his phone.”
“And that’s for his family to take to him.” Jude brings me into his arms and hugs me tightly. “Kyler specifically told Coach he doesn’t want to see you or me. Not yet and not until he’s ready. I’m sorry, T.”
I know he’s right. I know it makes sense. Kyler’s upset and hurt, both mentally and physically. If I saw him now, no doubt he’d lash out and we’d both say things we would regret. But it doesn’t help take away the bitter sting of rejection taking over my body. I pull back from Jude and quickly wipe my face with the sleeve of my sweater.
“Why don’t you text him instead? At least he’ll know you’re thinking about him.” Millie suggests, passing me a tissue as she does so.