Page 72 of Line Change
After a few minutes of celebration, the arena staff rolls out some carpet, and our trophy presentation begins. The NCAA representative stands behind a table with three trophies in front of him.
“I want to thank you all for coming to the Division III National Championship for hockey. I also want to congratulate Northport University and Augsburg State for their tremendous seasons and the game they just played. I know the teams are eager to celebrate with their families and get home. So, without further ado, the most outstanding player in the tournament goes to Jude Jenson, who allowed only two goals throughout the tournament.
Jude skates forward and collects his award. He holds it above his head, and every NU person in the crowd and on the ice applauds for him. I’m happy Jude won. He deserves it.
“And next, the presentation for our runners-up, Augsburg State. Their captain skates forward and collects their trophy. He holds it, but their applause is subdued.
“And finally, the presentation for our national champions, Northport University.” I skate to the table, shake the representative’s hand, and take the trophy from him. I hold it up and skate toward the family section. Everyone cheers, and people bang on the glass. That’s when I notice Thea, holding a sign that reads, “To them, you’re a champ. To me, you’re the love of my life. I love you, Ky!”
Holy shit, she’s in love with me. This time, I can’t help but smile.
My teammates gather around, and each takes turns holding the trophy. Then, we meet at center ice for the customary photo of us, and we each hold our index finger up. Slowly, we start to head toward the locker room. I spot my mom, sister, and Lacey standing with Thea. I go to Lacey and scoop her up.
“I’m so happy,” she says as I skate around the ice with her.
“Me too, Lacey-Bear.”
“Did you see Thea’s sign?” she asks, and I nod in response.
“Are you in love with her?” she asks.
“I think so,” I say honestly.
Lacey nods. “You should tell her, Uncle Ky, because she loves you lots.”
I set her back down next to Ally and then glide toward Thea. “So, you’re in love with me, huh?”
She nods.
“That’s good, because I’m definitely in love with you.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, but we gotta get one thing straight between us if we’re going to be together.”
“What’s that?” she asks.
“No more secrets. No more lies. And definitely, no more Adam.”
“That’s a promise I can definitely keep.”
I pull Thea into my arms and kiss her, ignoring the catcalling and whistles from some of my teammates. It’s a damn good thing I know how to balance on blades because when we come up for air, we’re feet away from the bench.
“I love you, Thea. I never thought I’d say those words to someone.”
“I love you too, Ky. Thank you for showing me what true love really feels like.”
I kiss her again and then twirl her around.
They say bad things come in threes, but good things do too. NU won the championship, I potentially have some offers on the table, and I got my girl back.
Today has turned out to be the best day ever.
“Say it again.”