Page 2 of Finding March
“No. Give me the address,” I say, ready to fly there right now.
“I’ve already emailed it to you.
Looks like I’m going to Phoenix…
“Come on, Mom. I’m ready to go!” Juniper yells for the fifth time from her room. Right now, I am trying to pack to go to my grandpa's ranch in Wyoming, where he retired to three years ago. She has been going there since she was three years old. He adores this girl. When I gave birth to her, she was his everything, like I was when I was little.
On top of that, I am also packing for my trip around the U.S. to search for Donor #Pl18956. It sounds so strange to say. I have always known my mom went this route. She was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of sixteen, and her doctors weren’t sure she would be able to have a baby after the age of twenty-five. So, she told herself if she hadn’t found her husband by twenty-three, she would go to a sperm bank. Shortly after she had me, she had to have a hysterectomy.
“Mommy!” she yells once again. That girl is going crazy, as she has been since she found out she was going to Wyoming. She loves it there. She once asked me if we could move there. She cried for five days when I told her no. It broke my heart. My grandfather left me his house when he retired. He transferred it into my name and everything, and if we moved, we would have to sell, and I cannot bring myself to do it.
My phone rings, letting me know I have an incoming video chat. I smile because I know it is my sister's. “Hey guys,” I tell them, holding it under my chin while I put the last few things in the suitcase.
“Hey. Are you packed?” Jan asks, chomping on pickles and vinegar. God, do I remember my pregnancy cravings?
“Yep. Just putting the last few things in the luggage.”
“I really wish you had someone to take with you,” Feb says, frowning.
“Well you two fell in love with your partners and we know that is not going to happen so..”
“How would you know? Maybe if you gave it a shot. I mean, who, Todd?” Of course, she would bring up Juniper's Karate teacher. He has been asking me out since she started that class. I am not saying he is not nice-looking because he is. And, of course, I have thought about saying yes; I mean, who wouldn’t? He is built like Patrick Swayze, but I don’t want to confuse Junie and would hate for her to get used to someone and then have her heartbroken. I shake my head at these two.
“You know I can’t. It is not good for Junie. Besides, he has classes to teach. He can’t cancel them for the entire month and a half.” Sounds like a reasonable reason to me. They both give me reprimanding looks, which make me put my head down.
“You should have at least asked him, March. He has an assistant who could have led his class while he was gone.” Shoot. I hate it when they are right. I never thought of that.
Just then, Connall walks up to her and says hello to us in the video. “Hi, ladies.”
“Hi, Connall!” Jan and I answer.
“It is time for my wife and I to go and get out of the house.” She frowns like she always does when he gets bossy. When he walks away, she smiles. I am sometimes envious of their marriages, but then I remember I have Juniper, and everything seems like it happened for a reason. Speaking of the wild one.
“Hi, Auntie January. Hi Auntie February.”
“I, sweetie. Are you excited to go to your great-grandpa's house?”
“Yes. You have no idea. But mom is taking forever,” she says, being very dramatic. The three of us giggle.
“Well, that is not okay,” Jan says, feeding into her hysteria. Rolling my eyes at her, I ask Juniper if she has, Floppy and Floopy, her favorite stuffed animals, and when she gasps, I assume that means she forgot. She runs out of the room like her pants are on fire.
“As you can see that girl is going crazy.” They both giggle and nod their heads.
“Well obviously you need to finish so you get out of there before her head starts spinning around. So call us after every stop and update us. We are going to be worried about you being alone.” Smiling, I nod my head and promise I will.
Pulling up the hand of my suitcase, I begin rolling it to the front door. “Junie, I am ready.”
She literally zooms into the room, holding her tiny bag. She doesn’t need a suitcase because my grandfather always takes her clothes shopping when she gets there. Not to mention shopping for anything else she needs. Did I mention he spoils her rotten?
Making sure I have my keys and wallet; I open the front door to a man about to knock on it. I open my mouth to ask him if I can help him because surely this sexy God has the wrong house. But then he looks right at me; there is no mistaking those eyes. I look into them every single day. “Joshua.”
Holy Shit!