Page 33 of Dragon Rogue
Jori ascended to match their height and began the routine that they’d established, allowing him to strengthen his control.
Once through all of that, they began a game of chase.
Marli’s proximity continually distracted Sten from watching Jori’s movement. Still, he forced himself to focus, giving the signals the king needed when his positioning was off.
After some time, Marli went whizzing across his path.
What the—?
The second time she did it, he nipped the end of her tail as she blurred past him.
Oh, no you don’t…
The third time, she evaded him, flicking his chin with the tip of her tail.
Sten bolted after in pursuit, determined to meet her challenge.
He nearly had her when she suddenly banked upward and barrel rolled, swooping down across his path again, forcing him to veer left.
Damn, she’s agile!
She circled Jori in an upward spiral.
He turned and followed.
Sten’s wings thrust downward with all his strength, launching himself forward. He was too late to cut across Jori’s path to divert him from climbing into the upper atmosphere.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
Kymri’s going to have my ass if I don’t stop him!
While Sten was fast and strong, he lacked Marli’s maneuverability.
Jori even less so. And he still wasn’t used to the size of his dragon form, which meant that he constantly misjudged his dimensions.
Sten gave chase as Jori climbed, following Marli’s elegant spiral.
He even mimicked her arch and bank perfectly.
Sten drew breath to give a sounding blast to bring them both to their senses.
Play time was officially out of hand.
Jori could fly. What he could not do, was land.
He watched, helpless as Marli executed another perfect barrel roll and smoothly banked out of it before she was anywhere near the mountain tops.
Jori’s turns were much wider, occupying vaster amounts of sky.
Oh no.
Sten hovered, horrified.
Jori tilted into a free-falling spin that quickly sounded like a freight train barrelling toward the mountainside—where the council room perched.
Sten clearly saw Kymri mouth ‘fuck’ before she spun to shove Elora and Jonathan away from the windows.