Page 48 of Dragon Rogue
Her heart hammered in her chest at the memory. She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the fear and rage and helplessness she’d felt. She’d never been so vulnerable in her life.
And then Stenlen was there, and that was all that mattered.
She sobbed, covering her face with her hands, even though she was alone in the room.
He came. He got her out and wouldn’t let her go except to pass her to his big friend so that he could shift down to his human form.
Sten carried her to her bed, lay her down with more gentleness than she’d experienced since she was a child, and stayed all night by her side as she dipped in and out of consciousness while her magic worked furiously to repair the damage.
Her head ached and her body throbbed from shoulder to knee.
Stenlen Flintail had saved her life, because she would have fought to the death to prevent….
She drew a deep, steadying breath to ease her pounding heart.
It didn’t happen. He was there.
With her emotions back under control, she stared across the room at the closed door, determined to block thoughts of the attack. She wouldn’t let it overrun her.
It’s done. He was there.
Her eyes sagged, but not wanting to sleep anymore, she powered her phone on to play a merge and match game to bide the time and redirect her mind.
Her phone pinged.
The communications tower is back up?
Her thumb swiped the screen, scrolling through missed messages and emails.
Kolina Steelscale, Kymri’s mother, had left Aeleftheria for the continent, searching for Kymri, demanding to know the mountain’s location to bring her home.
A knock drew her attention. Kymri eased the door open and poked her head through the gap. “Good, you’re awake.”
Marli held up her phone. “Your mom’s on the rampage.”
Kymri sighed, settling on the bed next to Marli. “You didn’t read all the messages?”
Marli scrolled through the rest, heart racing, sitting up straight. “Clive and Merwin. Those assholes attacked the island again? So they did escape the mountain.”
“The queen sent my mother to Black River to search for us.”
“Oh no. I was too late. Red must not have got the message to them in time.”
“I don’t know about that, but Jori and I are going to take the plane with Elora and Jonathan to meet up with her and Odson. They’re tracking Merwin and Clive along the coast. Apparently, they’re recruiting.”
Kymri stopped Marli from trying to get out of bed. “You need to rest”
“I need to go.”
“I need you here, Marli. Jori is leaving Sten and Eamerson in charge. I need you here for me and Elora. I don’t want to you leave you like this, but it’s important.”
“Why, what’s going on?”
“Your attack isn’t going over well with a lot of the males. Sten’s been run off his feet stamping out arguments and stopping fights before things escalate.”
Marli sagged back against the headboard, drawing a slow, steady breath.
When she looked at Kymri, there were tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t intervened.”