Page 6 of Dragon Rogue
Jonathan smiled. “You always were obsessed with Camelot, Jori.”
“Kargassa wasn’t the ‘council’ type?” Odson turned away from the windows.
“No sir. Mr. Stenlen Flintail and I acted as advisors when the previous king sought an opinion.” Eamerson responded.
“Which wasn’t often,” Elora said.
“And the reason I asked you to come here.” Jori held Odson’s gaze. “I’ve decided to stay and try to lead this lair in a new direction, but I’m going to need help.” He glanced at his watch.
Marli’s gaze shot to Kymri’s fingers still linked with Jori’s. She swallowed. “You’re not coming home, are you?”
“This is the best way to ensure Aeleftheria’s safety.” Kymri’s free hand moved over her lower belly. “And our baby’s.”
Odson said, “It won’t be easy turning a lair of male dragons, intent on seeking and subduing a colony of females, in a new direction.”
“I agree, but he won’t be alone. I am steadfast in my duty to the rightful king of this tribe. As is Mr. Flintail,” Eamerson said.
Marli jerked, gaping at the male. “Flintail. Stenlen Flintail? The same male dragon that, despite my great effort to lead away from our home, still managed to find and attack it? The same male that is responsible for the two of you being dragged here, is supporting you? Seriously?” She turned on Jori and Kymri.
Jori ran a hand over the back of his neck. “Yep.”
“You can’t trust a rogue like that. You’re insane to trust any of these males,” Marli exploded. On seeing the determination in their faces, she eased back and released a breath. “Yeah, I’d say you’re going to need help. The queen and her council won’t like any of this. Too many of these males already know where Aeleftheria is.”
Jori glanced at his watch again, then leaned close to Kymri, kissing her cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
Kymri said, “The queen doesn’t need to know anything just yet. Besides, it’s thanks to Stenlen that Elora and I are alive.”
“Not tell them anything? You know I have to report back. As you should have.” Marli said to Kymri, then turned to Elora again. “And you. Your disappearance broke the queen’s heart. You should have seen her face when she realized Jori was your son. The council almost had him destroyed.”
“Kymri told me what happened,” Elora said, voice quiet. “We’re still trying to get our bearings here. When you send your report, please, just don’t tell them where we are. Not yet. Having three of us here is already going to be a challenge. We don’t need the council interfering.”
“You’re staying, too.” Marli rubbed her hands over her face and through her hair.
Elora nodded.
I’m so fucked.
“Dragonsdammit. When we left Aeleftheria, my orders were to ensure the safety of our people, find the location of the lair and to bring you both back safely. The queen ordered Kymri to eliminate Jori if he proved to be a threat to Aeleftheria. And as the king of a mountain lair full of male dragons, they’re going to see him as the biggest threat.” Marli crossed her arms over her chest, drumming her purple nails on her biceps. “They’re going to be frothing at the mouth.”
“Well, no one is eliminating anyone else,” Odson growled, glaring at Marli.
So. Fucked.
Chapter 4
Stenlen Flintail clenched his jaw, staring the dissenter in the eyes.
He was on his way through the dining hall after lunch to meet with the new king when someone shoved him from behind. Spinning around, he growled, “Go on. Try that again.” He stepped closer, despite the other male’s larger frame. Sten was tall, but Frederick had the nickname ‘Goliath’ for a reason.
“Fucking traitor.” Goliath’s low voice rumbled through Sten’s chest, like boulders grinding strips off of his deep sense of loyalty.
The same two words he’d heard time and again.
Sten straightened his spine. “Kargassa crossed the line.”
“He was our King.”
Sten didn’t glance at the others, gathering behind Goliath.