Page 67 of Dragon Rogue
“And things didn’t go over well on that front either. Regina has her hands full.”
“That’s a lot to take in,” she slumped.
“I’m sure Kymri will tell you more later, but in the end, the good that came out of this is significant. Significant problems too, but some movement in the right direction.”
“The council didn’t go after Jori.”
“Regina forbade it, after he acted to defend her realm and showed neutral initiative by having the GPSA involved. It was hard for the Council to keep screaming for his head as their primary enemy. And I tell you, they were loud, even with those massive oak doors closed.”
“Oh, I know all about how loud they can be.” Marli had been subjected to more than one reprimand in her career.
Marli glanced around, noting that they were alone. She stood to go.
As Odson did likewise, she noticed several fresh cuts on his neck and hands. She caught his large hand, pushing the sleeve up to see one nasty wound that went the length of his arm. She looked up. “Thank you for defending us, Odson. You’re a good friend.” She swallowed.
He shrugged, expression solemn. “I do what I can. What’s right.”
She released his hand and wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing him hard.
He grunted, returning the hug. “We’ll figure out how to make peace between these two tribes one way or another. This rift has gone on for far too long.”
Chapter 25
Sten, Marli, Kymri, and Eamerson crowded around Elora and Jori, staring at the mirrored wall inside the master bedroom suite. Odson lounged on the white sofa, disinterested in participating in whatever revelations lay in the close confines of the closet.
They’d met early that morning to give a full report on their findings while all of their guests remained in their rooms.
At the mention of Marli’s investigation into the librarian’s workroom, Odson and Elora had exchanged grim looks.
“Yes, this is one of the vaults,” Elora nodded toward the mirrored wall. “The other is in the bathroom.”
“We don’t have the key,” Eamerson said.
“You won’t need it for the other vault,” Elora said, squeezing between Sten and Eamerson.
Everyone followed her out and into the cavernous bathroom.
“Behind the center mirror.”
Three mirrors hung over the wide sink, supported by the same gold dragon headed brackets. None had keyholes in them.
Jori reached over and lifted the panel off of its brackets and handed it to Sten to set aside.
Affixed to the wall was an emblem with a dragon head set into a spiraling pattern, with five cylindrical holes.
“I saw Kargassa do this a few times. You need your claws, but don’t allow the shift to make your human hand too big,” Elora instructed. “Then insert your fingers into the holes. You may feel a pinch.”
“And you think I can open this?”
Elora shrugged a delicate shoulder. “He was your sire. You have the same blood. It’s worth a try.”
Jori blew out a breath. “Okay. How do I do this?”
Elora explained how to do the partial shift.
Sten glanced at Marli as they waited. She hadn’t spoken much to him since everyone’s return—and the strained confrontation between himself and Zayli.
After the meeting, he had gone to talk to Marli, but she wouldn’t answer his knock, though he was sure she’d gone to her room, nor had she answered his messages.