Page 73 of Dragon Rogue
“Of course, whatever you need, sire.” Sten said with a bow of his head.
Marli expected Jori to admonish him for the uncharacteristic formality, but the genuine respect in Sten’s expression was clear.
Jori nodded and turned his attention to Marli.
“Of course, I would be honored,” she smiled.
“Good, that’s settled. We need food. I’m starving.”
Chapter 27
Stenlen stood at his post in the great hall, watchful, until the proceedings began.
Kargassa’s body lay in state on a carved stone slab, adorned with rich silks stitched with his family insignia. A titanium crown caught the torchlight.
He studied the grey face of his former king. A man whom he had followed for decades. Did everything he asked, and without question. Someone he viewed as a father figure—a replacement for the one he’d never known.
Stenlen would have been expected to participate in the ceremony as the head of royal security, though he’d argued he’d be better put to use doing his job to protect the current king from trouble.
But that was not what Jori wanted him to do.
His eyes swept the cavern that served as their gathering hall. The same hall where the tribe witnessed the unexpected and vicious change in leadership.
Jori had avoided this room.
Sten couldn’t blame him.
The way Jori avoided the subject and hedged around the discussion on the event itself spoke volumes. He’d have to carry that, and figure out what to do with it.
The more Sten re-examined those events, the more sure he was about his own role. Events since then had solidified his decisions, and the sting of disloyalty faded.
As did Kargassa’s conditioning and indoctrination.
With time, it was easier to see how warped his ideologies had been, and for his part, Sten recognized his acceptance of them as a form of revenge against past wounds and his need to belong, after years of drifting.
From the open door of the Council room, Sten had watched Marli and Odson in close conversation. It was clear they had a bond of mutual respect.
From his position in the Great Hall, he studied Odson, standing alone along the front row of males. Older than anyone knew. As old as Kargassa? Older? Battle-worn. Stoic. Always alone.
Mutual respect. Was that what Sten had hoped for with Kargassa? Someone to look out for him? An older male he could rely on and trust?
Sten swallowed hard, realizing that’s what he wanted. Someone to have his back. Truly.
During excursions, he had relied on his wingmen—Clive and Merwin. They’d worked together a long, long time and he understood that they’d felt he betrayed them.
But for Sten, he’d always kept himself apart. He’d never trusted them, outside of their missions, because deep down he knew they viewed the world in a deeply different way than he did.
He just wanted that one person who would see him for who he really was. Someone that he could never reveal to anyone, as a mountain dragon. So he’d buried it.
Until Marli had walked into his life, challenging him with her sharp claws and glittering eyes.
She’d challenged his actions, his views, his way of life.
Without meaning to, she’d challenged him to unbury his heart.
His gaze found Marli as she entered the Hall and stood several paces to the side of the door. Concern swelled his heart as he observed her solemn expression.
Solemnity was expected at a funeral, even that of your greatest enemy, but he knew it was more than that. Jori told him what had happened while they were gone.