Page 3 of Love to Fear You
“To your last night in Conroe.” He taps his drink against mine.
I raise it to my mouth and catch a whiff of the cheap ale. It smells like cat urine, but I hold my breath and down the contents anyway.
Tyler smacks his lips when he swallows. He flings his arm around my shoulders and scans the empty living room. “Looks like you’re already packed up. Where was it you’re going again?”
“Andarusia. But only until I turn eighteen.”
“And then you’re coming back to Texas?”
“Hell no,” I scoff before taking another sip.
I just need to make it to June when I’ll be a legal adult. After that, no one can force me to stay in a small, eastern European country no one’s ever heard of.
“You’re going to miss so much of senior year,” Tyler says. “What about prom and graduation?”
I raise an eyebrow. “Seriously? Who cares?”
My words make him flinch. Of course, those things matter to him. His life goal is to become prom king because he won’t aim higher. He’ll peak in high school and spend the rest of his life stuck in nostalgia, no doubt still bragging about that legendary touchdown twenty years from now.
He doesn’t realize the juvenile pomp and circumstance doesn’t matter. Nothing matters.
“Well, we’ll miss you,” he says. “What will we do for entertainment around here?”
I laugh again, but this time it’s hollow. My graduating class won’t remember me as anything besides Willow the Nympho, reduced to the plaything of the football team. Like a used toy being passed around until they grow bored.
My tainted legacy should bother me, but it doesn’t. I’m never coming back here because there’s nothing left to return to.
“I’m sure your girlfriend will keep you company.”
Tyler nuzzles his nose into my hair. “But she doesn’t fuck the way you do.”
He leans away to chug the rest of his drink but keeps his arm wrapped around my shoulders like he owns me. When the beer is gone, he tosses the cup to the floor, and I open my mouth to tell him not to treat my house like a trash can.
But what does it matter? After tomorrow, I’ll never step foot in this house again. My dad’s listing it for sale, and he hired cleaners who will come and erase any evidence of my existence. Of Mom’s existence.
“What do you say we go upstairs?” he says in a low voice.
Upstairs, where an empty bedroom waits for me. Where my Harvard dream board and family photographs are packed away into boxes, leaving the walls bare. Where my stuffed animals and other childhood belongings are crammed into garbage bags to be taken out with the trash.
I knock back the rest of the cup, finishing my beer with an unsatisfied sigh. Tossing it behind me, I swing my leg around to straddle Tyler’s lap.
“Or we could stay right here,” I say.
When I grind my hips against him, his eyes grow hooded, and his dick jumps to attention with the smallest amount of friction.
A couple of guys whoop and holler behind me. “Oh, shit, this party’s about to get real!”
“You gonna let us take turns, Willow?”
I toss my hair back and glance over my shoulder, giving him a coy smile. “Stick around and find out.”
Tyler fumbles with the button of his pants. My panties are long forgotten in the backseat of Chad’s pickup, so when his cock springs free, it slides against my opening.
Without waiting, he thrusts upward, shoving himself inside with a groan. He’s bigger than Chad, so maybe I’ll get to come tonight, after all.
Dozens of eyes are on my back as I slide up and down Tyler’s length. The atmosphere of the room shifts, growing thicker as hungry, horny teenagers gather around to watch the show.
Vanilla sex bores me now; it has for a while. Sex is like a drug—I need more and more each time I take a hit to feel high. I like pushing the boundaries of deviant sexual behavior, taking just a little more from these guys with every encounter.