Page 44 of Love to Fear You
My arms fly out in front of me, scrambling for purchase in the dark. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust, but when I round a corner, I’m standing face-to-face with rows upon rows of long, arched corridors.
Everything is swathed in a red neon glow. Crimson rope lights line the walkway, but they’re zigzagging every which way.
No one is here.
“Alek?” I shout. “Where are you?”
I take a step and run face-first into a mirror. A string of profanities hurl from my mouth, and I rub my nose before continuing. Except this time, I keep my hands held out in front of me.
“Alek, I’m serious. I know you’re in here!”
Whistling organ music is pumped into the maze through unseen speakers, but it sounds like a record that’s been played too many times. The melody is slow and flat, producing a disturbing sound.
High-pitched, maniacal laughter pierces the soundtrack, and I freeze. It makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, though I’m not sure if the laughter is part of the playlist.
I continue further into the maze. For the record, I don’t recommend entering a hall of mirrors when drunk. My arms are my only lifeline as I stumble through one step at a time.
I’ll never find Alek at this turtle’s pace.
“I know what you did,” I shout. “You’re a fucking psychopath!”
I barged in here fueled by reckless bravery and alcohol, but the maze chips away at my courage the deeper I go.
The reddish hue reminds me of hell, and every footstep is one step closer to the devil himself.
The eerie feeling of being watched returns—the same feeling I had earlier. My heart hammers against my ribcage as a warning: Turn back. I swallow, but my throat has turned bone dry.
A movement flashes in my peripheral, but when I spin toward it, it’s gone.
“Alek? Is that you?” This time, my voice comes out a gravelly whisper.
The first inkling of doubt creeps in, weakening my resolve. What if it wasn’t Alek who attacked Dmitry? What if I’ve trapped myself inside with some rando who’s out for blood?
Stumbling forward, I use the momentum to pick up my pace. The desperation to escape this hellish maze drives my arms straight into several mirrors, but I press on. My breathing grows shallow, my pulse pounding hard in my ears.
The lights flicker off, plunging me into pitch black. I open my mouth to scream, but my voice is spirited away by fear.
My arms flail in their search for the exit, but every way I turn, I hit a wall. The ambient temperature drops, and I shiver beneath my coat.
I’m blind.
I’m trapped.
And I’m in deep shit.
The lights flicker again, and though it’s only for a moment, I catch a glimpse of a dark, hooded figure. His silhouette is reflected infinitely in all directions before we’re lost in darkness once more.
This time, I let out a bloodcurdling scream.
My legs give out from under me, and I fall to the ground in a crumpled heap. I manage to crawl backward until I hit a mirror, keeping my back protected from the shrouded presence, wherever he is.
Tears well in my eyes as I tremble, and honest to God, I’ve never been more frightened than at this moment.
The red lights flicker on, and the figure is crouched in front of me and all around me at once. I try to back away, but there’s nowhere to run.
He’s the predator, and I’m the mouse caught in his trap.
The figure lets out a low laugh so wicked, it paralyzes me with fear. I can’t breathe.