Page 13 of Forbidden Sins
Increasing his tempo and the force behind his powerful thrusts, he took her hard, furiously, and his hips slammed into her. He leaned over her, kissing her—his lips brushing against the sensitized skin of her jaw, throat, shoulders, setting her nerve endings ablaze. Gabe buried his face in the delicate crevice between her shoulder and neck, and Ellie inhaled deeply, pulling his scent—a heady mix of soap and sweat—deeply into her lungs. In an attempt to preserve it, keep him with her forever, she held her breath, until pleasure forced it from her lungs.
The slap of his flesh against hers and their bodies against the wall mingled with the sound of their heavy breaths and curses to make an erotic orchestra of sound that filled his kitchen and surrounded them.
The table was sturdy, but Ellie wasn’t sure it would survive their impact as their still-filled water glasses fell to the tiled floor, sending water and splinters of glass everywhere. The mess barely registered to Ellie, however, as all she could focus on was Gabe’s delicious assault.
Ellie tried her best to keep her feet on the table, but with the wild movements of his driving hips it was difficult, so instead, she locked her legs around his waist and pulled him in, pulled him deeper. She closed her eyes and felt him all around her, pressed against her. She was completely wrapped up, surrounded by him—the feel of his touch, his moans in her ear, his taste all combined to completely take her over.
Ellie felt the beginnings of her orgasm tremble low in her belly and in a desperate attempt to chase her own pleasure, she lifted her hips in time with his, and Gabe’s own movements became faster, more erratic, as he cursed helplessly in her ear. The pleasurable, exhausting warmth took over and Ellie felt herself breach the point of no return, and she cried out. With just a couple more pumps, Gabe followed her over the edge with a coarse shout, his neck stretched, veins protruding, before he stilled and collapsed over her.
As Ellie caught her breath, Gabe pushed himself from her body. Ellie sat up and took in the broken glass on the floor and their clothing thrown about the kitchen.
Gabe tossed the condom and pulled on his pants and boxers. “Sorry about that,” he told her, his shoulders rapidly rising and falling in an attempt to catch his breath.
“I wasn’t complaining.” Ellie stood on the floor.
“Watch the glass,” he told her, grabbing a broom and dustpan from a tall cupboard.
She gingerly stepped around the table, collecting her clothing and dressing as Gabe cleaned up. “Why are you sorry?”
Gabe disposed of the last bit of glass. “I just lost control there.” He shook his head and wiped his hands. “It seems to happen quite a bit around you.”
Ellie paused before pulling on her shirt. She looked at Gabe, wavy hair tousled, shirtless, wearing his worn, low-slung jeans. She was just feeling the glow of her orgasm dissipate, but she wanted him again. “You bring it out in me, too.”
Ellie exhaled, forcing all of the erotic thoughts from her psyche. She couldn’t let a man, no matter how amazing Gabe was, sidetrack her image rehabilitation, her relationship with her father, or any of her goals. She’d known Gabe for less than twenty-four hours. And already she’d married him, and had been reduced to a needy, quivering mess around him. She took one final look at his shirtless form and grabbed her purse. “Uh,” she stammered. “Listen, I’m glad we’re on the same page with the annulment. But I need to leave. Thanks for the water,” she said feebly. “And everything else.”
He frowned. “You sure?” He took several steps and came to stand in front of her.
“Am I sure about what?”
“About leaving. Why don’t you stay?”
She couldn’t. She had to leave, get away from his influence, before she threw everything away for the man before her.
“Come on,” he said, reaching for her hand. “You are my wife. We’re still married, at least until we get before the courts.”
Despite herself, Ellie smiled, and the spark of desire within her rekindled as he stroked the pulse point on her wrist with his thumb. And with one small action, several short words, Gabe had almost won.
Ellie gripped her purse strap in her fist and took a step back. She wanted nothing more than to stay, but she couldn’t. Gabe’s power over her was dangerous, but she had to focus her attention on her goals, her future. And the sooner she put this incident behind her, the closer she’d be to everything she wanted.
“I have to go.”
“I’ll see you on Monday, then.”
“Monday?” she asked.
His smile was crooked. “At the club,” he told her. “I’ll give you the annulment papers.”
Ellie was dumbfounded by how she’d managed to forget her reasons for meeting him again. But she would have to keep her senses about her. There was no way she could let herself fall for his charms again. Everything was riding on it.
She hoped she was strong enough to resist him.
ITMAYHAVEonly been 8:15, but Ellie was already running late for work on Monday morning. Not a great start to her week. She ran a brush through her tangled hair and leaned close to her mirror, examining the tired dark circles under her eyes. Her complexion was dull—the result of a lack of sleep and dehydration, and she hurriedly applied some concealer and blush. With just enough time to pour some iced coffee into her travel mug, she was on the road before traffic hit gridlock time.
The quiet confines of her car, however, again let her mind drift to Gabe. She had to see him that night, and while she was glad to put their massive mistake—their marriage—behind her, she knew that if she saw him again, she probably wouldn’t be able to stop herself from fucking him. Her track record showed that. She blew out a heavy breath and tried to stop thinking about him. She turned the corner toward Burnham & Associates. It was time to get her game face on, and get to work.