Page 4 of Dragon Aflame
Trin blinked and cocked her head. “There might be. I hadn’t thought of it. It was hard enough for me to grasp that Eltrinia and I shared a face.”
Eltrinia chuckled. “But the resemblance is only skin deep. I am definitely not a diamond dragon, and she definitely doesn’t have any traces of djinn in her.”
“Brommin is very relieved,” Trin smirked. “He has it hard enough keeping track of me as it is.”
Kana looked around at the well-appointed study. “Charming place.”
“Thank you, cousin.” Trin was amused. “It is fine for what I have to do, which is answer endless correspondence from across the world. The hate mail is especially fun to answer.”
Kana frowned. “Hate mail?”
“Not everyone believes I am the diamond dragon, and those that do want me to take control of the government.” Trin shook her head. “I would rather work to elevate the current state of females in the dragon world for now. We have a dwindling population, and my focus is on pulling every tiny drop of dragon blood to the surface and making it into a strong member of the community.”
Eltrinia chuckled. “The success is variable, but the woman chosen as your mentor is an excellent example of the mixed blood and proper upbringing creating a very strong and community-minded dragon.”
Trin snorted. “And an iron will and lack of fear. Kabyl’s very impressive.”
Kana was curious. “Kabyl?”
Eltrinia nodded. “She’s in peacekeeper apprenticeship and an ice dragon. We thought she would be an appropriate mentor based on you both being elementals.”
“How can she mentor me if she is an apprentice? Won’t she be busy?”
Eltrinia smiled. “Things are relaxed in the north. There is plenty of time for her to tutor you and still do her job.”
“Oh. Good. So, what do I have to do here?”
Trin grinned. “We are going to go to Mirbella’s and get you clothed with something fire-resistant, and then we will get your legal documents. I have had folks working on them since I got Eltrinia’s notification that you had exited the tank.”
Kana cocked her head. “Documents?”
“You are a living being who has no parents to register you. So, I will do it for you.” Trin smiled. “This part is my job. It is a fun part of my job. I get to walk the streets without bodyguards.”
Eltrinia snorted. “No, she doesn’t. The guards just have to perch on buildings. It freaks out the neighbours.”
Trin scowled. “It does not.”
Eltrinia nodded. “It really does. They come running for autographs, and the ladies have started to ask for fertility blessings.”
Trin snorted. “You can stop anytime now.”
Eltrinia wandered near the bookcase. “I really don’t want to. We are siblings; mocking is part of what we do. I researched it.”
Trin nodded. “Well, if you researched it, it must be true.”
Eltrinia ended up being called back to the museum where she worked. Her position as a docent wasn’t too taxing, but it did occasionally require her to be there in person instead of having one of the other staff do it for her.
Kana waited until they were ready, and then she and Trin entered a small box with a long and elegant nose. It hummed and rolled forward with Trin behind the controls.
Kana clutched the seat at first but soon enjoyed seeing the city cruise past.
“Why don’t you just fly there?”
“Because then I can’t pack up all my shopping and take it home. This way, I have plenty of places to put anything I collect and take it with me immediately, as well as store it if I want to continue shopping.”
Kana nodded. “Does it also help you blend in a little?”
“Yes. Since I have become somewhat popular, many women are mimicking my hair colour. This helps me blend in more than I used to.”