Page 41 of Dragon Aflame
“Don’t thank me. You still have to stuff your face to compensate for what you put your body through.” Melith smiled. “Stay here. I’ll go for help.”
Kana chuckled as the woman gracefully rose to her feet and swayed out of the room.
Koa knocked at the door. She could see his shoulders silhouetted.
“Come in.”
He slid the door aside and slumped in relief when he saw her. “You are awake.”
“I am. I think Melith has gone to get me something to eat.”
“I am so sorry that I didn’t act faster.”
She sat up slowly and held the sheet up. “Don’t worry. I should have remembered that I keel over after exertion.”
“You did more than exert yourself. You are making an island.”
“Kabyl once told me that I needed a hobby.”
Melith returned with a tray and set it over Kana’s legs. “I am going to update the queen and the diamond, and Kabyl and Elioth. Lots of people to call. I will be back in an hour. Oh, Trin has provided suitable clothing for you. It’s that pile on the left. Eat it all, or you can’t go to the other lava fields.”
Koa said, “I will watch her.”
“Yeah, no shit.” Melith snorted and headed out.
Kana blinked. “She’s fun.”
“That is not how I would describe her. She’s terrifying. We called your instructor and asked if she knew how to help, and she said to wait ten minutes and she would get all the info she had. Ten minutes later, Melith appeared wrapped in the arms of another female, and she was left behind with a bag and a commanding attitude. She checked on you, went to speak with the queen and consort, and then settled in with you.” He smiled. “I think the island is terrified.”
Kana blinked. “Sensible.” She started eating. The plate was clean in four minutes.
Kana drank the iced coffee and sighed. “That hit the spot.”
Koa sighed. “The hostility between you and Mai is unpleasant and has already been reported to the diamond and her consort. It is embarrassing for me to have two females arguing over me.”
“I am not arguing over you; I am just defending your honour... I guess. It is a weird instinct.”
Koa reached out and took her hand. “My dragon has been waiting patiently, and then you appeared. Patience disappeared. When Mai was pursuing me, I tried to decline politely. If you change your mind, I have the urge to continue your interest at any cost.”
She smiled and squeezed his fingers. “It’s firmly fixed on you, but what does your dragon look like?”
He smiled and said, “He would love to show you.”
“How long was I out?”
“A day. Oh, Mai is leaving. There is a banquet tonight for her, and on the morning tide, she is gone.”
Kana smiled. “Oh, you know how to get a girl all interested.” Thanks to Kabyl and another book, Kana knew what she was interested in. The idea was ridiculous in the abstract, but looking into Koa’s eyes, she could see the attraction to the procedure.
He chuckled and asked her about the first things she thought of after being decanted.
“Oh, I thought the air was harder than I imagined. Eltrinia took care of me as I purged my lungs of fluid, and then she explained who I was and that I needed to find my name. I was named One for the longest time.”
“Why Kana?”
“It felt right. Pyrar for the flame I could radiate, and Lem because I have no designated parents.” She smiled. “I was One because I was the first to decide it was time to leave the canister. I don’t have much patience.”
“Then, we will get along fine.”