Page 6 of Dragon Aflame
Trin cleared her throat, and the man lost in the book didn’t move. “Matt!”
He blinked. It was the first sign of life.
“Matt!” Trin clapped her hands together.
The man’s head lifted, and he smiled at them with a slightly dazed expression. “Oh, Madame Lem. How nice to see you. Will isn’t here right now. He said he would be back by one.”
Trin looked at her com unit. It said twelve-fifty-nine.
“Kana, this is Matt. Matt, this is one of the foundlings that the guild has been looking for.”
Matt focused and closed his book after carefully putting in a marker. “Oh. That is what he was working on.” He unravelled himself from the chair and, just like that one being, became a man in a rumpled shirt and vest combo and a chair.
The chime rang, and another man, who looked like he had buttons on his buttons, entered the shop.
He looked at Matt, narrowed his eyes, and said, “I see the poison didn’t work.”
Matt grimaced. “That wasn’t funny.”
“Excuse you, I am hilarious.” The man walked further into the shop, and they gave each other a brief hug before the newcomer bowed to Trin. “Madame Lem. I have the documents.”
“Thank you, Will. I will come with you.”
Kana was suddenly left with the slightly wrinkled Matt. “So, you like books?”
His eyes lit up, and he grabbed her hand, hauling her to his special collection in the shop full of spines and titles.
She smiled at his enthusiasm. “So, what kind of a dragon are you?”
“Will likes to say I am verdigris, but I am a copper just like him. I just don’t rub my hide in the sand every chance I get.” He grinned. “I have other things to do.”
She smiled. “Do you have any books on elemental dragons?”
Matt paused. “Those books aren’t common knowledge.”
“Oh. Well, what do you read for fun?”
He smiled and spread his arms wide. “Everything!”
She laughed, and they discussed the best size of books for travel.
Trin and Will returned with a sheaf of documents. “It seems your shop has flourished since you left the wheel. As long as you continue to remain accessible for this kind of thing, the senate will let you continue with your private business.”
Will nodded. “Thank you. Those documents are registered with all proper bureaus and departments at the wheel. Kana is a legal citizen now.”
Kana perked up. “I am? How?”
Will opened his mouth, but Matt said, “Trust me, I am an attorney.”
Will sighed. “No, you’re not. You are thinking of me.”
Matt chuckled. “Oh, right. I always get us mixed up.”
Trin had a packet of paperwork, and Kana reached for it. Trin paused. “Feeling cool?”
Kana smiled and nodded. She looked and frowned at her birthdate. “This says I am twenty-two.”
“That was the age of declaration that was set for you and the others. This way, you are legal to make all of your decisions and sign your own contracts.”