Page 36 of Bitter Haven
Erin didn't move. "I have company."
Mother, dressed too formally for Marcus in a beautiful, silky, dark blue shift dress with a short jacket, pushed past her. "Really, dear, I taught you better manners than that. Who's here? Deb?"
Erin closed the door behind Mother and went to face the music.
"Now I see why you couldn't come to dinner with me and my guests." She spun to Erin. "Aren't you going to introduce me?"
Erin sighed. "Mother, this is Ryan Walsh. He's my new barista and lives in the apartment above the shop. Ryan, this is my mother, Sharlene Murphy."
"Mrs. Murphy, nice to meet you." Ryan held out his hand, keeping his left side angled slightly away from her mother. He'd evidently put the prosthesis on while Erin got the door.
"Likewise, I'm sure." Mother turned back to her, ignoring his hand and clearly dismissing Ryan. "Erin, it's not wise to socialize with the help. You should know that."
"Mother, first, that's incredibly rude. The help is standing right there." Erin made the air quotes obvious and swept an arm toward Ryan. "Second, Ryan worked for Michael in Alaska. He's a friend and a fellow veteran from my former unit, not just an employee." She glared. "And if you're going to act this way, you can see yourself out. Now."
"Erin! Talk about rude!" Red slashes appeared on her cheeks.
"Funny how clearly you see it in others but not yourself. I, on the other hand, am happy to own being rude right now because you are being intolerable. I think you should go." She pointed at the door. She was so done with Mother's attitude.
"Fine." Mother sniffed. "I came to see if I could mend this ridiculous fuss with the Custs, but I can see you've got better things to do." She minced to the door.
"Mrs. Murphy." Ryan stomped over, brows narrowed and red highlighting his high cheekbones. Erin tried to wave him off, but he ignored her. "That sleaze ball tried to rape your daughter. I know; I pulled him off. This isn't a ridiculous fuss. He left bruises! What kind of a mother thinks the man who attempted to rape her daughter is just a fuss to mend?"
Mother turned back around, eyes snapping, and as she opened her mouth, Ryan added, "Or is it that he's rich? After all, money makes everything better, doesn't it? You didn't even ask if Erin was okay. My mom may not be very successful by the world's standards, but at least she loves me more than someone else's money."
"Your mother?" Mother pointed a shaking finger at Ryan's chest. "I know about your mother, Ryan Walsh, and she's a drunk. She may love you more than money, but she doesn't love you more than alcohol." She spun, her high heels beating an angry staccato across the slate and out the door. A car door slammed, and gravel flew as Mother sped down the driveway.
Erin closed the door gently, then turned to face Ryan. "I'm sorry she was so awful to you." She shook her head sadly. "Believe or not, she didn't used to be this bad. She's always been driven and wanted more than she has, but it wasn't until she made bank president that money ruled every bit of her life. I suppose Dad dying at that same time didn't help."
Ryan slashed his hand through the air. "That's okay. I don't care if she's rude to me. But acting like a rapist is a good guy because he's got money is evil."
"Yeah." Erin scowled. "Nothing like encouraging unacceptable behavior from the same people you had to fight to make it to the top." She returned to the couch, Ryan following.
"What do you mean?"
Erin plopped into her seat, exhausted. "She had to fight hard for her position. A lot of powerful men with big money did their best to keep her out. But most of the board members realized she was excellent at her job and would make a good president. But now? She sucks up to those same rich men who didn't want her there. It's bizarre. I can understand not wanting to lose business, but that takes politeness, not fawning all over them. And I think her behavior pisses them off. It was one reason they didn't want an 'over-emotional female' in the job."
"It seems a little weird." His puzzled look matched hers.
"Yeah. And she does her best to keep other women at the bank out of leadership roles. It's like she thinks they should have to fight as hard as she did, or maybe she's threatened by younger women." Erin sighed. "I love my mother, but I really don't like her much anymore."
"I get that." Ryan nodded. "I love my mom, but I didn't like her very much when I was in high school. She was a drunk. My dad walked out, leaving her with three kids to raise on a housekeeper's salary, and she drank every evening, probably to wipe away the memories or the stress. But she got sober after I left." He smiled. "I expected her to go off the deep end, but I guess me leaving knocked some sense into her head. She goes to AA every week."
"Good for her. I wish there was a twelve-week program for 'nasty rich person syndrome.'" Erin laughed, a little despairingly. "I'd hogtie her and haul her there." She sighed. "And thanks for defending me, but I can take care of myself. You don't need to get in the middle of my family problems."
Ryan nodded. "I know you can, but it's kind of nice to have someone in your corner. You did it for me; I'll do it for you. What puzzles me, though, is why she’d know anything about my mom." His eyebrows rose. “Not like Mom is hanging out with your mother’s set.”
“That is odd. Did she get a loan from Mother’s bank?”
“No. She got the house in the divorce. That’s why she could raise three kids and drink on a housekeeping salary.” He pointed at the remains of her cupcake. "Are you going to eat that?"
"No." Not with the way her stomach churned.
"It's not going to waste." He ate it in a couple of bites, then picked up all the plates and took them to the kitchen. "I'm going to go. Don't forget to email me that backpacking stuff. Thanks for having me over."
"Thanks for the steaks. Do you want the rest of the beer?"
He smirked at her from the door. "No, now I have an excuse to come visit." He tapped the door frame. "Even if the guy probably won't come after you tonight, since his attempt failed so badly, keep your windows and doors locked, will you?"