Page 49 of Bitter Haven
Deb rolled her eyes. "He's a tough guy, he can take it. Besides, I'm sure I'm not the first to say that."
Now his face and chest were hot. He must be fire engine red. He'd keep his mouth shut.
"Anyway, help yourself out of the case, and I'll add it to your bill after I finish decorating the wedding cake from heck."
"Thanks, Deb." Erin walked away.
Ryan frowned at the giant cake. "Wedding cake from heck?"
"Yeah. Look at this monstrosity." Deb tossed her chin at the cake in front of her. "White on white, elaborate design, and this huge thing is layer number three. Three of seven. I had to order special platforms and boxes for it and get two of my people to work on Saturday for the transport and set-up. And borrow another truck." Her voice was a mix of pride and exasperation.
"Wow. Your hands must really hurt by the end of the day." He couldn't imagine what it would be like to squeeze frosting on cakes for days.
"Not normally, but they will tonight." Deb snorted a bit of a laugh and stretched out her fingers, one hand at a time.
"Sorry to hear that." He couldn’t have done that when he still had two hands.
She shrugged. "It's a living. And I’m good at it."
Erin came back with a small bakery box and a big grin. "I took the last three Sex in a Cupcakes, Deb. Hope you have more for tomorrow."
"Baking right now." She nodded toward the ovens they'd passed. "Not too sure I'll have time or fortitude to frost them in the morning, but I guess we'll see."
"You'll get them all done. You always do."
"I'm the superhero of baked goods." Deb sniffed.
"You are. Mild-mannered Deb, who becomes 'Cupcake Woman' under the cover of darkness, bringing delicious baked goods to the world." Erin flourished her hands toward Deb.
Deb struck a superhero pose, one hand brandishing her decorating bag, the other on her hip. "And increasing dress sizes everywhere in her wake!"
All three of them cracked up. After their laughter died off, Deb said, "Out, out, evildoers. You are keeping Cupcake Woman from finishing the wedding cake from the depths of Mordor!"
Erin squeezed Deb's shoulder. "We've got to go. Maybe we can get together soon?"
"I sure hope so. It's been a while since we've had a night out. Let’s do it this Friday—no excuses! And bring sexy and silent here with you."
Ryan's skin burned from the inside out.
"Sounds like a plan. Bye, Deb!" Erin caroled. She stopped at a tall refrigerator case at the back, opened it, and pointed. "This one is ours. Can you get it?"
"Sure." Ryan picked up the large white box, grateful for the rush of cold air from the fridge, and followed her to the car. Erin opened the trunk. He gently deposited the box. Then they hopped back in Smoky, both of them smiling at the roar of the engine.
"We'll make a very quick stop at the store because we don't want the frosting to melt. Does Wiz need or want anything special like, oh, Red Bull or something?" She turned into the parking lot.
"Nice stereotype." Ryan snorted out a laugh. "She didn't give me a list. I'll text her." He quickly typed a message. He got a reply immediately, asking for organic carrots and apples. Huh. Wouldn't have guessed that. "Okay. You get your stuff, I'll get Wiz's, and I'll meet you back here."
"Good plan." Erin pulled into a spot far from the store, probably to protect Smoky's paint, and they jogged to the store despite the heat. Ryan grabbed apples, carrots, and beer and checked out. He reached Smoky before Erin, but not by much.
Then Erin blew his mind.
Chapter 17
Smoky Rules
"Want to drive Smoky?" Erin jingled the keys.
"Really?" Ryan couldn't quite believe she’d let him drive the silver beast.