Page 54 of Bitter Haven
From the couch, Erin called, "Ryan, I've had enough. Take my share."
"Really? You don't eat enough."
"I'm fine. I haven't worked out hardly at all this week, so I don't need the extra calories." Erin chuckled. "Besides, I'll probably make up for it tomorrow morning eating the day-old muffins. By the way, Wiz, there're cupcakes for dessert. If you're full, you can take yours back to the apartment for later. You're also free to eat or drink anything in the coffee shop, anything at all."
"Sure. It's the least I can do since I'm not paying you anywhere near what this work is worth."
Wiz flashed a smile at Erin. The first smile Ryan had seen since she left on deployment. Go Erin! Maybe Wiz would talk to her.
Wiz got up. Dishes clinked in the sink. "Erin, I'm going to pull my van into the garage. Will you come over in five minutes?"
Ryan heard the door close softly, and he sagged.
Erin turned to him. "You realize that you being tense makes her worry?"
"Yeah, I can't seem to help it." Ryan grimaced. "I'm trying, but it's hard being around someone so jumpy. I keep wondering if she's hearing gunfire I'm not." Too bad he hadn't figured that out earlier.
"Oh." A long exhalation. "I get it. You guys are negatively reinforcing each other's PTS. That sucks."
"Yeah." Ryan sighed. "I think we're better friends online." Erin sighed and returned to her slice. Ryan got up and grabbed the rest of the pizza. Before he sat, he crunched down. So good. He returned to the couch.
Erin's plate clinked on the coffee table. "Maybe you are better online for now. But Wiz came here. Perhaps she's trying to get out of her comfort zone. That's a good sign. We have to make it a positive experience, so she'll do it again. Or even move here."
Ryan nodded, his mouth full. Erin got up and put her dishes in the sink. Water ran, so he chewed faster. "Erin, leave the dishes for me. You cooked; I'll clean while you're with Wiz. Don't forget the cupcake."
"Thanks." The water shut off. "I'm assuming you're going to sleep in my room again tonight?" Her tone was flat.
He stopped with the pizza halfway to his mouth. "Yeah." Join me, please? He'd never begged in his life, but for her, he'd do anything. But she couldn't be interested in him; she was way out of his league.
"If you want clean sheets, they're in the closet in the master bath."
No way—the sheets smell like you. "Nope, it's all good. I'll change them in the morning though."
"I can do that. Don't worry about it. I'm going. Make yourself at home."
Ryan watched Erin walk out the door, focused on her backside until the door shut. He flicked on the TV, but if he stayed on the couch, he'd probably nap. Too bad it couldn't be a nap with Erin. Ryan shook his head. He had it so bad. And he was so out of luck. He got up to do the dishes.
Chapter 18
Karma Rules
Erin left her house, carrying the cupcake. The sun's rays beat down on her aching head. She didn't get nearly enough sleep last night and probably wouldn't get much tonight either because Ryan was sleeping in her bed. And she wanted to be there too. Eight years. Employee. Mom territory. Get it through your thick head, stupid!
Ryan was not for her.
Erin let herself into the garage, making lots of noise so she wouldn't startle Wiz. After locking the door behind her, she ambled to the office counter and put the cupcake down. Wiz appeared, standing behind the Barracuda. Erin leaned against the counter. "Brought your cupcake. A friend of mine in town bakes them, and they are really superb. We've decided that she has a superhero alter-ego named 'Cupcake Woman' because normal humans can't make these."
"Thanks." Walking toward her, Wiz cracked a tiny smile.
She probably didn't think Erin's little story was funny but smiled out of politeness. Whatever the reason, when Wiz smiled, she went from anime princess pretty to downright beautiful. Maybe that's why she didn't smile. Whoever attacked her better hope Erin never found them or they'd be missing persons nobody missed. Plenty of empty land in the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountains; she'd shoot, shovel, and shut up without hesitation.
Wiz was looking at her, clearly waiting, so Erin brought her mind back to the business at hand. "Do you have any questions?"
"No. I've planned for a maximum of eight vehicles inside the garage; the system will self-adjust for fewer. The interior sensors are a combination of motion and heat detectors."