Page 63 of Bitter Haven
"She dropped by today. The Adams are dropping their suit, thank God, and even paying her bill. Anyway, Sam told me point blank that she was interested in him and that I couldn't have him anyway, because he'd have grounds for sexual harassment. And she's right." She was. Ryan was too dangerous in every sense of the word. In the pastry case, Deb's cupcakes, especially the ones with the big swirls of chocolate on top, were calling her name. She knew delicious goodies, but not men.
"No, no, she isn't. Ryan's not that kind of guy, Erin."
Deb sounded so certain, Erin had to look at her. "Really? You know him so well?"
"No, but you do." Deb nailed her with a mom look. Too bad Deb's ex was such a loser; she should have kids. But Deb's instincts were wrong.
Erin snorted. "Not really. I knew Ryan's name and face, because he worked for Michael, but Michael was prone to talk about the troublemakers, not the hard workers. Ryan came to the house a few times, but he’s always been a quiet guy. He's worked for me for a couple of months now, and I can't really say I know him because he doesn't talk much. He won't even tell me how he lost the arm. When he brought his mom out to meet me, she said more in one afternoon than Ryan has in weeks."
Deb raised her eyebrows. "He brought his mom out?"
"He was showing her the apartment and shop on Sunday, so he brought her over. She's a nice lady."
Deb shook her head. "Erin, I think you're being deliberately obtuse. Tell you what." She tilted her head and raised both brows with a sly smile. "You bring sexy and silent out with us tomorrow night. I bet he won't make a move on either of us, no matter how hard Sam plays."
Erin smiled grimly. "I was going to ask him. I figure he spends too much time alone. And Wiz goes home tomorrow, so she won't be around either."
"Oh, I forgot. Sorry." Erin shrugged. "A friend of his from the Air Force. She does computer security, and she designed and installed a surveillance system for the shop and my house."
Deb picked up her frosting bag. "Cool. Get her to stay one more night and bring her too."
Erin grimaced. "Not gonna happen. I can't tell you why, but she's got serious issues. Can't stand being around people, real jumpy with only me and Ryan. I think she's reached her people-ing limit for this trip."
"Crap. That sucks." Deb sighed. "Too many kids came back damaged from these ridiculous wars."
"Yeah. The damage that doesn't show is worse sometimes. It amazed Ryan that Wiz left her house at all."
Deb nodded at her cake and fell silent. Then Deb looked back up at her and winked. "But enough Debbie Downer. Bring Ryan with you. You watch. Sam's going to put her best moves on him, and he's not even gonna react. You'll see."
Erin snorted. "I think you're kidding yourself, but we'll find out. I've got to get a move on. Got to make dinner for three tonight. Put three more cupcakes on my bill, please?" Erin moved up to the bakery case, pulled three carrot cake cupcakes out since Deb seemed to have a lot of them and they were delicious, like all of her creations. The chocolate was too tempting—she'd eat all of them before she got home.
"Sure." Deb piped decorations. "See you tomorrow night. We'll meet at the brewery like usual and then go from there."
"Sounds like a plan. I desperately need a night out." Erin left with Deb's cheerful "Bye!" ringing in the air and returned to Smoky. She slid inside and shut the door. Nope, Deb was wrong. The only man in her life was Smoky. At least he was dependable. Usually. And hot. In more ways than one.
She rolled down the window. She probably should drive the truck, but Smoky was way more fun. A guy in a big truck gave her a thumbs up with a mouthed, "Nice car!" Erin grinned. Yep, Smoky is way more fun.
Later that evening, the three of them finished their mostly silent dinner. Erin did her best to draw Wiz out about her travel plans with the van, but she wasn't talking. Erin spoke about living in this area and how hard it was to find property at a decent price and recommended a realtor. She told Wiz about some of the unique Montana issues, like making sure the land was in a fire district, and the challenges of drilling wells in the mountains, but Wiz seemed to withdraw even more. Guess she'd had enough. And Ryan wasn't helping; he seemed sunk in his own funk.
Erin made one last attempt. "I have cupcakes from Deb's for dessert. If you're too full, you're welcome to take it with you, Wiz."
"Thanks." Wiz nodded sharply. "That would be best. You're a skilled cook. I ate more than I usually do."
"Thanks. I appreciate that. I've got excellent tools to work with, which helps." Erin put two of the cupcakes on a plate, then placed the box on the kitchen table. Wiz could grab it on her way out. Erin returned to the couch. "Wiz, I know I've already said it, but I really, truly appreciate you coming out and doing all this for me. Whatever I can do on a vehicle of yours in the future is free." She chuckled. "If you have to replace an engine, you'll have to buy it, but I'll give you the labor. I know what you did for me would normally be in the thousands, not hundreds. Thanks. I'll also be happy to land or house shop for you."
"Okay. You're welcome. And thanks." Wiz rose, sidled around the room, grabbed the cupcake box, and walked out the door, facing them the whole time.
Ryan sighed. "Guess she's had enough fun. Back to the Fortress of Solitude. We might see her in another year or two."
He was probably right, but Erin should put a positive spin on her visit. Ryan had enough to bear on his own; he didn't need to carry guilt for Wiz's issues. "She came and stayed several days. Seems like progress. Maybe it won't be too long before she comes back again."
"Maybe." He frowned and shook his head.
Erin changed the subject. "I'm going running in the morning, and then I'm headed up to Costco if you want a ride to Missoula. We could stop by the outdoor stores so you can find hiking boots."
Ryan smiled. "Sure, that would be great. What time?"