Page 37 of Bitter Sweet
As Mills slalomed around corners, Michael jammed his feet into the seat supports to stay upright. “This is Michael Acer. Put me through to Sam, it’s an emergency. Then lock down the office. I repeat, lock down the office.”
“Hold, please.” The line went dead.
“Da—” The assistant probably didn’t believe him.
“Michael? What’s going on?” Sam’s voice calm, but there was an undercurrent of tension.
“We got ambushed. We’re on our way to you. Lock down your office, and get ready to run for the big black SUV when I call again. We’re with Mills.” The driver shot a glare over his shoulder, but Michael had just lived through an ambush; he couldn’t set Sam up for one.
“Wonderful. I’ll be ready.” She hung up.
“Is she coming?” Mills pushed a hand across the top of his head. “I don’t see anyone behind us, but there could be others heading her way.”
“She said she’d be ready, but she wasn’t excited about it.” Michael sat back and fastened his seat belt.
Mills nodded. “Just want to keep her alive. You’ve bit off more than you can chew.”
Michael snorted. “Oh, and your organization has been so helpful. Those idiots in the bad suits are a joke. We’ve done what we’ve had to do. And we would have survived this too.”
Mills skidded around a few more corners, then slowed, rolling into the downtown. “Call her.”
Michael dialed Sam’s cell, which he should have done from the start. “Get ready, we’re almost there.”
“Okay. I don’t see anyone suspicious.”
“Like she’d know,” Mills muttered under his breath.
Maybe, maybe not. Sam wasn’t stupid, and she’d helped Erin and Wiz previously. Wiz wouldn’t leave her ignorant or unguarded. A text buzzed from Wiz. “Suspicious car half a block west of Sam’s door. Use back door.”
Michael put his phone on speaker. “Sam, Wiz says there’s a suspicious car near you. Can you get to the back door? And where is it?”
“Yes. Alleyway behind the building.” Fabric rustled. “I’m headed there now.”
Mills yanked the wheel, cursing. “Always trouble.”
Sam scoffed. “Like you aren’t, Mills? Save it.”
No love lost between these two. Michael examined Mills’ expression. Or maybe too much love. Either way, Michael wasn’t getting in the middle. The SUV careened around two more corners. Mills slammed on the brakes, sending all of them jolting forward. Michael raised the phone. “Now!”
The door opened, and Sam ran out, jumping into the front seat. Mills peeled out, then slammed his foot on the brake. A car blocked the alley in front of them. Mills threw the SUV into reverse, using the mirrors and the backup camera to fly down the alley, stopped abruptly, and turned into an even narrower alley to their right. Sam struggled to get her seatbelt on, finally clicking it home. At the street corner, Mills eased forward, then peeled out, flying the remaining blocks to the highway. He took a right and sped up, then turned left on to the Eastside Highway.
Once they were steady enough to type, Michael texted Wiz. “Nic’s family?”
“On their way here. Kim’s ahead of you. Sending overhead her way.”
Relief let him breathe. “Nic. Kim and the kids are headed to Wiz’s. She’s driving, and Wiz is sending the drone to watch her.”
Nic put his hand over his heart. “Thank heavens. Does Wiz know where she is and can we catch her?”
“I’m not sure how far ahead she is.” If he was driving, he’d make it happen, but Mills was in control.
Mills flashed a glance over his shoulder. “Color, make and model?” The SUV’s engine roared and Mills passed the car in front of them.
“Red SUV, big black stallion outlined on the side.” Nic grimaced. “Too obvious it’s mine.”
“That might not be bad.” Sam pulled down the visor and patted her hair into place. “If those people tried to stop your car, everyone around would notice and call 911.”
“If there’s anyone around to notice.” Mills passed another car, cutting it close enough that the oncoming truck blew his horn and swerved to the side. The speedometer rose to ninety, and Mills drove his huge SUV like a race car, passing everyone, slowing only for the corners. After squealing around another corner, Mills pulled in behind Nic’s SUV.