Page 49 of Bitter Sweet
“For what?” Michael turned toward her, grimacing. “None of this is your fault. It’s Koslov’s, for wanting what he didn’t earn. He’s a selfish ass.”
“Well, that’s true.” Her phone vibrated and she pulled it from her back pocket. Miraculously, it had survived their adventures. A restricted number. Could be good or bad. She answered. “Hello?”
“Deb, it’s Wiz.”
She put a hand over her heart. “Thank goodness. Are you two okay?” She put the phone on speaker. “Pete and Michael are with me. Nic is nearby.”
“We’re okay. A little smoky, but fine.” A current of amusement ran through her words. “We had to… liberate a vehicle, but we’re on our way home. You’ll have to lower the barrier at the road. I can’t do that remotely from my phone.”
“Liberate a vehicle?” Pete asked. “Never mind, just get here. I’ll go sit in the sniper perch. The enemies here were pros; there might be a few still hanging around, hoping for a lucky break. I’m glad you’re okay, kids. Drive careful.”
“We will, Dad. Tom says he loves you, and I love you too.”
Pete smiled. “I love you both. Get here soonest.” He stood and picked up his rifle.
“I’ll second that, Wiz. Be careful.” Deb blinked back tears. It had been so close, and they still didn’t know where Sam was. But Mills would keep her safe, even if he was a jerk.
“See you soon.” The phone call terminated.
Nic returned. “Wiz and Tom on their way? I’ll cover sniper duties, Pete, and get the road barrier. Take a load off.” He trotted to the stairwell. “Michael, Copperline’s folks are setting some beams to hold up the second story on the Victorian until we can get there. By then, the fire department should be done with the bakery, and they’ll secure it.” The door shut.
She was so lucky to have these wonderful people in her life. If it wasn’t for her friends, she’d have been in the clutches of the mob already. But it cost them all so much, and she wasn’t worth the pain, misery or money.
Pete put his rifle down. “Well, let’s bed everyone down. Nic and his family have the blowup beds in the safe room.” He pointed at the back wall of the basement. A faint red glow shone from an opening in the wall. “The love seat down here pulls out into a small bed and there’s a big couch upstairs. It doesn’t have a pullout, but it’s huge and pretty comfy sleeping. Ought to fit you two without any problem. There’s a bathroom with a shower down here, too.” He crossed to the love seat and walked behind it, opening a storage chest.
Deb followed him, taking the blankets and pillows he handed her. “Thanks. You got enough down here for you?”
“Sure do. I’ll help you get Michael up the stairs.” He plopped a pillow and blanket on the couch.
Michael stood. “I’m okay. Drugs have kicked in. Tomorrow might be bad. We’ll see.”
“I’ll be right there with you.” Pete tipped an imaginary hat. “Old bones take time to recover and I haven’t been on maneuvers like that in decades. See you in the morning.” He turned back to Deb. “Come here, darlin’ and get a hug.”
Deb stepped into Pete’s comforting arms. “Thanks, Pete, for getting us to safety. You’re the best.”
“It was nothing. You hang in there. We’ll get through this.” He squeezed her tight, then released her.
Deb turned, blinking away half-happy, half-sad tears. Her bakery might be in ruins, but her family was strong. She picked up her backpack and Michael’s. “Come on. I’ll come back for the blankets and pillow.”
Michael sighed. “I wish I could spare you the trip, but I’ll be pulling myself up the railing on those stairs. Actually, after crawling across the pasture, I desperately need a shower, first.”
She smiled at him. “Don’t worry about it.” She carried his bag to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Then she carried the bedding upstairs. The L-shaped couch had a double-size chaise lounge on the short end, so she placed a pillow and blanket for Michael there, and put hers perpendicular to his, so they’d be head to head. While she’d love to cuddle with him, she didn’t want to hurt him, and with his back in such rough shape, it was an unfortunate possibility.
She trotted back down the stairs, and waited. Michael emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam and she took the pack from his hand. She followed him up the stairs, wincing at his agonizingly slow movements. On the first floor, he walked faster, and was soon settled on the couch.
“I’m going to shower, now.” She reached out to brush her hand across his bristled cheek.
He put his hand over hers. “A kiss goodnight? Because I’ll be out when you get back.”
Deb grinned at him, put a knee on the couch and placed her lips on his. Firm but soft, his lips enticed and her heart warmed. She wanted to press harder and deeper, but he needed sleep. She pulled away. “Sleep well. I’ll be right back.”
“With that kiss to keep me warm? I’ll be lucky to sleep at all.” Then he yawned.
Deb giggled. “Sleep.” She almost skipped across the floor. Even if everything else was going wrong, at least she and Michael were going in the right direction.
Chapter 23
Michael woke to the sound of popping grease. Bacon. He sat up, then collapsed again, fire shooting up his spine and radiating from his lower back. His elbows and knees burned too, and all his muscles ached. He’d avoided a migraine so far, which was a miracle. But to avoid more pain, he needed his medications. He rolled, gritting his teeth, swung his feet over the edge of the couch and pushed himself into a sitting position. A grunting moan came from his throat despite his determination to not let his pain show.