Page 13 of Dragon Heat
He had no idea how much longer she’d let him rot here.
He had, however, had plenty of time to think about their conversations.
“She knows something about the legends,” he muttered. There had to be truth to it. Why else would she be so protective of a myth?
Maybe he could get her to tell him about it. Maybe. He was running low on toothpaste, so he wasn’t sure how charming he could be without clean teeth, if she took too long to come back. If she came back.
Holding the fishing rod between his knees, he pulled his t-shirt off, pulling a tail of it through is belt loop to tie it in place, ran his hands through his hair to free it of tangles and resumed the fishing.
Eventually he caught a few good-sized fish, saw the mystery birds a couple of times and was disappointed there was no Kymri, again. Gathering up his things, he headed back to camp, following the foot path he’d tracked Kymri with.
He was surprised with the sight of her when he emerged from the woods. Looking over his encampment, she stood by his equipment boxes, peering into the top one. He had a perfect view of her ass. His hands itched to slide up her hips and grip her narrow waist.
“Welcome back, Kymri.”
She spun around at the sound of his voice, her eyes widened, hands behind her back, which fortunately for him pushed her chest out, stretching the cotton across her generous breasts.
“Oh, hello Jori.”
“What are you doing over there?” he set the fish and rod aside, approaching her.
She shrugged, her gaze sweeping him from head to toe, lingering on his bare chest. “What do your markings mean?” she said after a moment.
Glancing down, he realized she meant his tattoos.
She stepped forward to get a closer look, lips parted. “Very intricate and colorful.”
She smelled amazing.
“Just some artwork my mother did when I was a kid, and I had it made into tattoos.”
“There is something familiar about the designs.” Her eyes drifted across his chest. “Who are Jonathan and Elora?”
He glanced down at the entwined names, “My parents.”
“It’s lovely. I knew an Elora, once—a long time ago.” One of her hands reached out, stopping just inches shy of his skin, “May I?”
“Sure.” His pulse tripped.
Her fingers tentatively slid over his skin following the lines.
His breath stilled at the electric sensation traveling along her touch. The hairs rose on his arms along with immediate arousal.
“What were you doing over by the cases?” he asked, his voice growing husky.
“Nothing,” she said after a moment.
“What’s in your hand behind your back?”
Her head jerked up; eyes wide. She was so close to him.
As he looked down into her face, he just wanted to kiss her parted lips. He leaned over her and he could feel the electricity crackle between them. Reaching around, he slid his hand down her arm to her hand as he stared at her mouth.
She seemed as mesmerized as he almost was. His fingers curled around hers and felt the smooth edge of something in her hand.
His lips brushed hers. Barely a breath. He wanted more, yet held back.
It was enough to pull the objects from her hand. They were the batteries from his devices.