Page 59 of Dragon Heat
Where were his two buddies? Why was he here? Was it coincidence?
Marli didn’t believe in coincidences.
Three male dragons here. And if things went sideways, she doubted a single individual in this place would help.
They were on their own.
She squeezed her way back through the crowd toward the offices where she’d left Kymri and the others. “Where is everyone?” she demanded of Odson.
“What’s wrong?”
“They’re here.”
“Shit. Jori and Kymri went for a walk; they needed to talk. Carson and Lirikai took off to get the Intel we asked for.”
“The leader is in the club; I couldn’t see his wingmen.”
“Show me. I want to see his face. We’ll figure out a way to take them down later.”
Marli led him back out to the crowded space. He was nowhere to be found.” She turned to Odson shaking her head. He pointed toward the door and they made their way out.
The outside air was frigid on her skin compared to the close confines of the club. The streets were empty save for a solitary figure leaning on Odson’s car parked under a flickering lamp.
Odson barreled in his direction, Marli close behind, nearly running into him when he stopped short.
“Old man.” He grinned. He inhaled deeply through his nose; his gaze fixed on Marli. “Ah, I’ve been looking for you.”
“This him?”
She nodded in answer.
“What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you, of course,” He held up his hands, stepping away from the car toward Odson. “Why else would I come to a nowhere shit hole like this?”
“What do you want?”
“A piece of that to start,” he turned his grin on Marli, “and a bit of a chat. That’s all.”
Stenlen sighed, “So blunt. My boss sent me to work things out. We know where your island is now. We can take it anytime we want.”
Marli snorted, he ignored her.
“And our Heir.”
“What does that have to do with us?” Marli snapped.
He shrugged but didn’t elaborate.
“It means they’ll be more openly aggressive,” Odson said.