Page 76 of Dragon Heat
Was she really there?
He drew in a deep breath and let it out with a shudder.
Someone brought Jori’s robe. Kymri quickly helped him slip into it before he turned to his mother.
She looked rough.
Her hand rested on her throat, her eyes large pools in the dim torchlight.
She broke into a watery smile and he shot forward to hug her.
She was so much smaller than he remembered, but then, he’d grown into a man since the last time he’d been able to hug his mother.
His throat was too thick for words. Her body shuddered as she cried quietly, whispering, “My boy.”
He didn’t know how long they stood like that before she eventually pulled away, sniffling and wiping the tears from her face, smiling at him.
“You’ve grown so much.”
“You haven’t.” He grinned, gaining a laugh from her.
He glanced around for Kymri. The entire cavern had been cleared out, and the king’s body removed. She stood sentinel by the enormous doors.
“I’m sorry for all of this. I tried to keep it away from you for as long as possible.”
“It was a lot to take in when reality started to hit. I never actually dreamed dragons were real, let alone that I was one of them.”
Elora’s face flushed with shame, “I hope you understand, I had to bind your dragon magic to keep you hidden from him. It was the only way.”
“Ma, it’s okay. Really.” He studied her a moment, “So, am I going to turn into a dragon every time you shout whatever it was you said?”
She smiled, “No, that was just the unbinding spell. It’s all up to you now.”
“I see,” he said with a sigh.
“We have a lot of catching up to do,” Elora said.
“We do.” he squeezed her hand, “Dad will be beside himself when he sees you.”
His mother’s face dropped, her lip trembled, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Because I left him; he must be so angry with me.”
“No, Ma. He loves you. He needs you.”
“Maybe,” she hedged, turning her attention to Kymri. “I see you made it home.”
He turned, letting his eyes roam over his mate as they moved toward the doors, “I sure did.”
Chapter 24
Kymri stood next to Jori, holding his hand in hers. His thumb stroked her fingers. He seemed unable to not be touching her at any given moment.
They were in Elora’s room.