Page 10 of Promise to Break
My eyes widen. That was a fucking mistake that I'll regret more than I did the mistake I made two years ago. Ah, la mierda! Shit, shit, shit!
Chapter five
Strength and courage are something people admire above all. They fight for both, want to exude both and live to obtain them. What most refuse to understand is that courage comes in different shapes and sizes. You can and should be courageous, but not to the point it will harm you or others.
Maricela Fernandez refuses to understand this or learn it. Which is unfortunate and honestly unbecoming of someone with grades such as hers.
I see her face full of determination without even looking at her. Her cute nose undoubtedly twitches while she stands there with her head held high, waiting for me. She knows she'll have to endure whatever I do to her with a smile on her too-perfect face.
Her actual strength is her refusal to break down while protecting the person she loves most. Her sister. The wife of my asshole of a brother. If she only knew.
Oh, well. It's none of my business. All I care about is carrying on with our little game.
"Give me that," I bark at Lila, who jumps at the bite in my voice, her hair full of flames. The red is so strong I can see her coming from a mile away. My father at least had the decency to choose a beautiful future wife for me, even if she is a bitch of epic proportions.
"Today, Lila. The unbitten bananas." I don't wait for her ineptness as I take the fruit from her hands and march back the way I came.
As predicted, Maricela just stands there like a mirage in the desert. Shame. Big fucking shame. Not even the deity I'm obligated to pray to every single Sunday is going to help her or save her from me.
She's my victim.
My little play toy, a little tiny thing who doesn't stand a chance.
Two years ago, Maricela and her sister had the audacity to barge into my world, unwanted and uninvited. Now, someone has to pay for that mistake.
I catch a glimpse of the maniacal smile on Liam's face as I hold the bananas in one hand and stride toward my victim. So tiny, so breakable. The fucker I have for a friend likes the games I play with her. He approves, even if I don't let him play his own games with Raven. He'll have time to do so when she wears his ring and is then out of my protection. Kai has nothing to say about it, so I assume he approves. He would have let me know otherwise.
From the first day, Maricela came to my father's house and opened those delightfully fuckable lips. I wanted to shut her mouth and fuck her then and there. It didn't matter that I thought she was the bride-to-be at the time, even if she didn't fit my idea of the future wife of none other than Santino Fierro. Maricela was too wild, too free, too strong. I hated her the moment her eyes met mine. She dared to stand up to me. Well, no matter. She's been paying for it ever since.
I can almost breathe in her scent from here. It's wild and likely soaked into my clothes from that last encounter. When I was fourteen, my mother took me to Niagara Falls for the first time. Maricela's scent reminds me of that wild, sweet water. Both are wild, loud, unhinged and, unfortunately, destined to fall.
With each step I take, I feel her dread, her willingness to flee. She doesn't, but I suspect one day she will. Standing in place, she unsuccessfully tries not to look me in the eyes.
She tries. Oh, how she tries.
Those huge, expressive, beautiful eyes shoot daggers of determination my way. I can almost see the blue and green in them, fighting for their place as part of this girl.
This fucking girl.
Fuck her strength, her looks, her intelligence, her loyalties, and her fucking sense of self. Fuck her. My dick begs me to do just that—to fuck the shit out of her sweet cunt. I just know it's tight and sweet as fuck.
Killer, concentrate. This is going to be fun. Fun for me.
"You." I stand as close as I can, towering over her, watching as the green and blue in her eyes fight for dominance. Today, the blue takes over her left eye, while the two colors collide in an eternal war in her right. I want to see those eyes in the midst of passion as they darken while I'm inside one of her holes. I'm not picky about which.
Begrudgingly, I can admit that her parents must have been some beautiful motherfuckers to create such beautiful women. From what I've gathered, her father was a police officer, and her mother was a high school teacher. The mother died while giving birth to the bane of my existence, and her father died in a car accident. The two sisters became orphans in life quite early on. And that just maddens me even more. For reasons I don't want to inspect.
"I'm speaking to you. Have you suddenly lost your voice?" She doesn't answer. I may or may not have insinuated that her sister's safety depended on her behavior. I have my reasons. If it weren't for her sister, Maricela would probably jump me and try to scratch my eyes out or something.
Fuck, I get harder just thinking about this woman's wild side.
What is it about her that is so goddamn appealing?
She isn't scared of me, and I can admit that it does make her more alluring, but she isn't the first to sass me or contradict me, either. I just don't let anyone do so without a penalty. And, yes, she's beautiful, extremely so, but I've seen and fucked women better looking than her. So why the hell do I want to pull her by her hair and tangle her messy locks to the point she can't breathe while I fuck her to oblivion? I'll probably never know.