Page 19 of Promise to Break
Chapter nine
"OMG. It's the Fierro king," one girl exclaims to a friend. I think I've fucked her before. "Now, you can't call me a liar," she adds. "I told you he was massive. Oh, when did he get that thing, though?"
Yep. Definitely fucked her.
"He probably lost a bet to the other deviants or something," the friend says with a smirk on her face. "I wish they would all parade their bits like that. So hot!" That girl, a friend of Lila—I think her name is Rachel—swoons at my physique. The surrounding chatter keeps growing, everyone commenting about me with the bizarre fascination of groupies who've just had their favorite rock singer flash at them. It's no different. Not for them. They nominated me as their king, the ruler of this place since I was nothing but a child at the primary school of this jail-like place. Now, they worship the one they chose.
"You." I point at the mothy girl I fucked, as she keeps her eyes on my ass and dick. She's hot, and on any other day, I'd fuck her again in front of the entire school just to take my edge off. But somehow, my dick doesn't like the idea of fucking her. She must have been a bad lay.
"Yes?" the girl squeaks like a child who's just seen its first lollipop. "Give me your phone. I need it." She does, but not before licking her lips lasciviously. I call my phone and wait for Maricela to answer. She doesn't. Of course, she doesn't. Okay, Little Girl. Let's play until someone loses everything.
Spoiler alert: it won't be me. It never is.
I call Liam's number next, just because I know for a fact Kai won't pick up. "Murder on a Cone. We provide icy sweet treats while dealing with your worst nightmares," he sings in his extreme English way.
"I don't have time for this shit," I mutter more to myself than him.
"Have you changed your number, mate?"
"No, I have a problem. Meet me near Emanuel's classroom. Oh, and Liam, bring me some clothes."
"What have you done now?"
"Liam. Clothes, now," I bark before disconnecting, returning the phone to its owner, and stomping toward the culinary building.
This place is like a little village. From primary school to a pristine college, you can find kids and young adults as one. You're required to go through buildings to get to your destination. Since I know Maricela has classes with that crazy pastry chef, I go to area C, where all the practical classes are taking place.
It takes me a while to get there, and in the meantime, I give everyone the show they never expected to see in their lifetime. Truly, I don't care. They're all animals in human clothing. The moment I show weakness, they'll pounce on me like a cackle of hyenas on a lion.
"I can see why he's such a dick. Did you see the size of his cock?" some female says to another from behind me.
"He probably did something to it," Ronald, the school's little bitch, mutters with disdain. He has a personal beef with Liam and me. Liam and I fucked his girl in front of his sorry ass. He saw my dick sliding in and out of the cunt of his fiancée, and now he has to marry her, knowing we took her before he did.
When I finally reach the right place, I search for Maricela's tiny figure. Typically, her muddy red-brown hair makes it easy for me to spot her wherever she goes. Bingo. There you are, Wild Child.
Maricela isn't one to notice people around her. It's as if everyone is part of the air she breathes, therefore necessary but unnoticeable.
Since she arrived on the scene, her universe has been surrounded by five people. Serena, Raven, Marlina, Pedro and their son Julian, a/k/a The Fucker. The rest of the world is there, but Maricela isn't interested in gossip or any other thing that concerns most people. I know she visits her former social worker and the director of the orphanage, but those people aren't part of her circle. They're only a reminder of who she believes she is.
"Killian, you crazy fucker," Liam yells as he runs to me with some clothing. "Why are you showing the goods, mate?"
My attention, however, is solely on my wild child. As soon as she hears my name, she lifts her head, her expression horrified to see me standing there naked in front of everyone.
Liam shoves the wad of clothes in my face, but I don't take them. "Did you get your rocks off on the walls or something? This is not what I meant by wooing. You're not an otter." I'm tempted to ask why he compared me to a cute animal, but before I have a chance, he adds, "Otters look like tiny and cute shits, but they release cum all over the place and rape just for the hell of it. Don't be an otter, mate."
I shake my head as he chuckles at my expense. "The wooing session went as well as expected. Apparently, my dick is not as cute of a pet as I thought it was." I cup it with my hand, repeating Maricela's sentiments as loud as I can.
"Well, fuck mate, so what are you going to do now?" Liam's theatrical take on the situation has me wanting to strangle him.
"What in the dear Lord is happening here?" The shrill voice of Ms. Banks, the religion teacher, carries in the hallway. The loathing I have for this woman is ingrained, but not because of the subject she teaches. I may not really believe in this system I grew up in, but I get people who choose to live by their beliefs. God was part of what my father preached about every day while teaching me how to kill others. Most people, however, don't live by those standards, although some use them to gain power and control.
Ms. Banks is one of those people. The reason I hate her is because of Franco. The cunt with the fake boobs is one of the lovers my father likes to fuck in front of my mother. Her husband knows she's fucking Franco as well, but like everyone in my father's world, he can't do jack shit about it without losing his head.
"Oh, my Lord. Killian Fierro, what do you think you're doing in this classroom?"
"Nothing you haven't done with his dad." That came from Kai, and in his booming voice, no less. The Mute has spoken. Sometimes, even I forget his rusty lilt is hidden in there. The three of us have lost a lot because of this old cunt. However, it's not our place to punish her. Maddox will take care of her in due time.