Page 30 of Promise to Break
"I am not yours." My chest rises and falls. Rises and falls. Even so, I can't catch my breath.
Killian isn't one to let me rest as he goes for another round. This one is slower. He isn't trying to suffocate me with his tongue. No, this time, his lips are soft against my swollen ones. I let out moan after moan, unable to stifle them.
"You'll be all mine. Only mine." The words come out of him like the growl of a wolf looking at the distant moon. It's as if he's promising himself that he'll conquer it one day. The difference between me and the moon is that I know I'll escape from his hands. I will not wait for him in the same place until he decides to come for me. I'm one to run, to hide, and to protect myself.
"Fuck, Little Girl. I want to eat you whole." He growls again into my ear this time and gives my lips a reprieve. My hands move into his hair of their own accord. The hair he took time to tame today for some reason. Fuck. I have a need to ruin his proper appearance even more. "Your scent… I wonder if your cunt smells as good as your skin."
My eyes roll back, taking me into another universe where the only thing that exists is his body taking mine.
Slow claps intrude my haze from his now lazy kisses on my skin and neck. I jump as I see Lila looking at us with repulsion. Truly, I can't blame her. Not for that.
"You bitch. He'll use your pussy, but he'll be my husband at the end," she spits out, then walks away as if it was nothing.
Anger consumes me for my lack of fight. I let my bully, my fucking tormentor, a man who's engaged to be married, kiss me for the second time. What the fuck is wrong with me? His fiancée is right. He has to marry her, whether or not he wants to.
"Go away." I push at his chest, but it's like trying to move Mount Everest.
"She is not going to be my wife," he starts, but I just duck under his arms, making space for me to get away, and I run as far as I can.
"You'll be mine, Wild Child," he calls after me. "You'll be my little girl."
Not a fucking chance.
Chapter thirteen
I let out a growl as I stand under the steamy water. The cuts that Franco left on my skin are still tender, and I know I should probably call Artur, my tattoo artist, to cover those up, but just now, I can't seem to work up the motivation.
"You will do as I said. You and your little friends are my puppets. You will marry, kill and fuck whoever I tell you to and even suck a dick if I say so." Each word is carved on my skin with the whip lashes he left on me.
"Killer?" Her melodic voice has me turning around. Unlike the first time she saw me naked, she doesn't look scared or horrified. Her smile is sassy, playful almost, like those she shows Raven and the other fucker. "Come here, Wild Child," I order under the water.
My hand goes to my cock while the other drags her to me by the hair. Her hair has always fascinated me, and now that I know how it feels in my fingers, its weight and the natural softness of her big curls, I pull on it harder. She moans under the touch of my stiff body. She's so tiny compared to me, so breakable, and yet so freaking strong.
The usual caution isn't there in her gigantic eyes as she looks into mine, the sea inside them trying to overcome the forest. It's the rarest heterochromia I have ever seen.
"You want me, Little Girl." I drag her lips to mine. Savagely, the same way she did to me. Never in my life have I carved a pair of lips on mine as much as hers. "Put your hands on me, Little Girl," I demand, as she does just that. Her hand is so small, but I don't care as I cover hers with mine and move it in tandem.
"You're going to harm me," Maricela accuses. Her tantalizing rhythm as she moves her hand up and down has me falling under her spell, her scent filling my senses until even that overcomes my shower soap.
"I will." Lying is futile. She bites my chest, and I groan. I need her mouth on my lips, on my skin, everywhere. I would probably let her bite my dick off if it would please her. Pleasing her, playing with her, and hearing her gasps give me a rush like no other.
"I will destroy you as well," she says on a moan. It's a promise she just might fulfill. I don't care. Caring for my safety was never part of my agenda.
"I am already ruined," I admit with a growl. "I need your mouth."
"You haven't earned it. Now come." Her hand moves faster. Or is it mine? I don't know, and I don't fucking care. All I care about is her eyes. They're judging me, and they know who I really am, how monstrous and inhumane I can be, yet she doesn't run, and she doesn't attack me. She simply acknowledges the real beast inside.
It doesn't take me long to come on the tile with burst after burst of cum. "Remember my promise to you," she whispers. "I will be your ruin, Fierro," she says and disappears with the steam.
"Take that creature away from me, or I'll feed you his meat and fur. I just got out of the shower." The thing in question looks at me with big eyes, as if it wants to tell me something. The moron of an empath in me wants to speak with the thing, fucking speak to it, as the logical part is determined to keep the beast at bay. Instead of acknowledging the dog, I start a staring competition, like a moron. Its brown, expressive eyes stare at me as it tilts its head to the side, probably trying to decipher if I'm any danger to it, trying to enter my soul, and I'm careful to keep my vacant mask in place. Not in this lifetime, mut.
"Hero is free to do whatever he wants. Aren't you, boy?" Kai's adoration for the thing is clear, but Liam is a crazy, inhuman monster who kills with a smile on his face. How the hell did he fall for this thing?
"Why do you sound like that?" Liam ignores my logical question as he goes to his knees to pet the beast. "Don't listen to this man, Hero. He'll fall for your fluff, eventually." The so-called fluff ball makes a whining sound that has Liam rubbing it between the ears. His tail wags so hard and fast that he leaves remnants of hair on my pants. Great. Now I'll be covered in brown and black fur.
"Hero, place," Kai instructs. The dog gets up doing what its master told it. It won't listen to Liam or me like it does to Kai. I swear I've heard his voice more since the thing got here than I did the entire year before. Kai and his family have five Borzoi dogs at home. They're like a little army.