Page 32 of Promise to Break
Looking down at myself, I see Raven's influence written all over my jersey and stifle a laugh as I imagine the two of them putting their heads together on this. "She is wild, and I like it."
The crowd is big today, just as it usually is for an afternoon game. They're all here to see the three deviants play to the death. We trot out onto the field to the roar of cheers and stomping feet, the sound quickly dying as every eye in the stands focuses on my new attire.
Like all American schools, we have a cheerleading squad, and although they might not typically be seen on the sidelines of the soccer game, our cheering squad is always present ever since Liam demanded to see some asses. However, I get the feeling the girls won't be the center of attention today.
In contrast to the chilly weather, the sun is high in the sky, making this horrendous thing on my torso shine brighter than any diamond. I fucking reflect.
I search the stands for a little wild thing with vibrant eyes, tan skin, and the perfect temperament. I don't have to look for long because there she is, sitting in the first row, dressed in a pink shirt with the words "bedazzle me" across her chest, printed in a huge sparkly font.
When people like me play a game, we're here for the win, any time, every time. However, the game's much more interesting when the opponent is as witty and as sassy as Maricela.
The school we're competing against today likely wants to win as much as we do, but they also like to score and score big, so they can brag all the more about beating us. The game starts, and my attention is on the players of the opposing team until I hear the song "Razzle Dazzle" start playing.
I spot Liam and Kai, who are both chuckling as they run across the field, making their plays. As the game continues, song after song blares in the stands, changing from the classics to tunes like "Barbie Girl" and ends on a loop with Todrick Hall singing about "Nails, Hair, Hips and Heels."
The momentum in the game picks up. The center forward on the opposing team, Mark, spots me and goes all in. He hates me and my family to the point he convinced his school to create a soccer team just so he could play against me. And I have no intention of allowing him to be successful today.
Mark comes at me with the ball, avoiding Kai with rapid leg movements. I'll give him that—the guy is fast. He tries to score, but his focus gets stuck on the sparkles on my jersey, and he misses again and again. After ninety minutes of play, the game ends with no penalties and a score of one goal for us and zero for them.
When the crowd rushes the field, Lila finds me among the players. She's cool and aloof, strutting her stuff like a queen bee, flipping her hair over her shoulder, and bringing even more attention to her tiny shorts and skimpy "fuck me" top.
With a hand on her cocked hip, she looks me up and down. "You look different."
No shit. I don't react to her comment or her presence. I never do. Lila may be a cool girl under all that show of bad bitch, but the biggest problem with her is her family. Franco uses her and her family's money every chance he gets, and Lila's more than a willing pawn.
"Move, Lila." Not waiting for her to obey, I shove her out of the way as I head off the field, determined to locate my little menace. I find Maricela still in the same spot, looking like she hasn't got a care in the world. She isn't one to run from her actions, so I'm not surprised.
Her smile is more blinding than our shirts as she calls me to her with a wag of her finger. I can forgive her antics today because neither Santino nor Franco came to see me play, but on any other day…
Damn, this girl is going to kill me.
My sweet Raven slides closer to Maricela and smiles wide. "Don't hurt her. You started it, so don't you dare harm her. Let her see the real you." Raven has always been too silent and kind for our world. She allows Liam to abuse her as he sees fit, and she refuses to let me get involved. So, to see her protecting someone from me tells me a lot about Maricela. Never once before has my cousin ever told me what to do or how to act.
The spitfire in question climbs up onto her seat, giving herself a height advantage over me. "Don't listen to her, because I will harm you. I'll ruin you if you don't leave me alone. So just leave me be, or this war is on."
I laugh. "What are you planning to do? I'm a Fierro. You can try to humiliate me, but it won't work. People like me can do no wrong. Haven't you learned that yet?"
"I don't need an army of bullies to handle you, and I'll find some way to take you down."
I can tell by the look in her eyes that she believes every word she says. Hell, even I believe her. Maricela realizes now that the one thing that kept her in line doesn't exist. She understands now that I would never hurt her sister, not really. I could, but harming people like Serena isn't any fun.
"You know I can ruin your sister, your friends, and even your future niece, right?"
"You won't."
"How did you come to that conclusion?"
"You could have done it any one of the times I stood up to you. I didn't hold back, not really, and you know it. I may not know why you do the things you do, but I'm pretty certain you won't harm Serena."
"You want to try me?"
Maricela just gapes at me, her demeanor as fierce and strong as ever.
Changing the subject, I say, "You're a problem. The fact that you're not on my lap letting me fuck you is definitely a problem. Want to rectify it?" I scoop her off the chair she was standing on, and she lets out a gasp. She was trying to look intimidating, with her severe expression and her arms crossed over her chest, even wearing pink with sparkles, a color I know she can't stand.
"Put me down, you jerk." She looks adorable, her hands and feet flailing every which way.
"Like this?" I taunt, grabbing her by her thighs and wrapping her legs around my waist, plastering her to me.