Page 41 of Promise to Break
She was the one who signed, swearing that she would have two boys, and with the likes of me, no less. I wasn't ordered to kill her, but I practiced the same policy with her. As long as she acted according to what was expected of her, she could be ignored. She knew that. We've never fucked, and we kiss only for appearance's sake. She never has been and never will be part of my world in any true way.
She thinks she will, and as far as I know, she even hopes she is. But hope, just like justice, is for the fools.
However, now that I know what I do, Lila is no longer in the innocent victim column. She's now in the line of fire she created, although she won't see what's about to come to her.
"Mate, I need you to take Hero out. My father called, and I have to show my face." Liam's wearing his Brioni, so it must be important.
"Aren't you coming to the party today? I need you and Kai there." I ignore the panting mutt at my feet, whose attention is on the door. The thing needs to pee.
"I'll be back in about four hours. He needs me to meet with the Japanese."
"Franco told me about that. But why you?"
"I'm the most likable, mate. Can you imagine Kia's brooding face with Yukimura?"
"I could have done it. I'm likable."
Liam scoffs. "As a bag full of needles, mate.
"Fuck you, asshole." I look down at the mutt who's whining now, and I know I sound like a petulant child, but I didn't ask for a dog.
"Take care of Hero," Liam says before disappearing from view.
"Go do your thing," I order after stepping outside, but the mutt just proceeds to sniff around the trees that hide our house from view of the school. The neon blue leash that Kai chose for the thing looks horrendous. And no, the excuse that it's for night vision doesn't suffice in my book. "Go pee already," I try again, only to get a toothy grin in response. "You're not one to obey, huh?" The thing licks my shoe, then continues with his exploration.
"Come on, lazy ass." It's Raven's voice I hear in the distance.
"I hate you so much. We've been running for forty minutes already, and I just finished working my ass off before then." Maricela's so out of breath she sounds like she's just been fucked.
"No one tells you to work so much, so that's your problem."
"Te voy a acoiogotar."
"It's not nice to threaten to choke the one person keeping you healthy. Taking into account all the chicharrónes you eat like it's an Olympic sport, you should run twice this much."
"You enjoyed them last night as much as I did."
"And you don't see me complaining now, do you?"
A moment later, both girls come into view as they break through the trees.
"Is that a dog on school property?" Raven asks, coming to an abrupt halt as she sees Hero and immediately proceeds. Oh, fuck.
"Why are you screaming? Dios mio, is it a wolf? Cabra loca, ben paca!"
I've started learning a little Spanish, and I'm pretty sure Maricela just told Raven to come back while calling her a crazy goat. It suits my little crazy cousin.
"OMG, Killer. When did you get a dog? You don't even like them." Raven lowers herself to pat the enormous thing without reservation. She always loved animals. Maybe I should give the thing to her. She'd take care of it.
"A mission that went wrong," I say as a way of explanation. "And he's not really mine. He belongs to Kai and Liam."
"Well, there's nothing wrong with this lovely puppy. What's your name, sweet boy?" Raven rubs it under the ears as the thing flips over and positions on its back so she can rub its belly.
Maricela relaxes, watching the interaction while I watch her. She looks radiant. I take a step closer, and she doesn't seem to mind. Baby steps.
Raven glances up at me as she obliges the mutt. "Name, Killer. Don't tell me he doesn't have one."
"Your fiancé named him Hero,"