Page 62 of Promise to Break
He appears to contemplate my words as he fills the mugs. "This is the order of the world. Real people need guidelines."
"So, what are you telling me? That in the name of order, what people like you do is fine?"
"No. But truly, I don't give a fuck. You willingly came here to tell me you could never be with a man like me. Didn't you? So prove it. Tell me why I can't take you and fuck the life out of you for the rest of our lives?"
My mouth is as dry as the desert. His eyes are on me, his lips slightly open. "And who are you?" I ask, my voice shaking.
"A man who will do everything in his power to get what he wants. I won't stop at anything to have you, your body, your soul. I'll become your everything. You are my singular goal."
"And what if I tell you I can't give you my soul because there's nothing to give?"
"Bullshit. You're the most feeling and kind person I know. You could fight back—you've wanted so many times, and I could see it—but you didn't because your primary goal is always to protect your sister. You don't care about yourself because someone told you not to, and I get that. When people are told they're worthless time and time again, it stays with them."
"Is that what was done to you, too? This is why you hate your dad so much?"
A bitter chuckle leaves Killian's perfect lips. I don't like that sound coming from him. The far-away man I'm used to is much more appealing, but I'm thankful he lets me see this side of him. I'm sure not many people get to see this Killian.
"No," he eventually answers. "I was told that I'm the strongest person on earth and that I had to prove it."
I don't know what to think about the statement, but I'm not given much time to ponder the issue as he hands me a cup of hot coffee with a slice of lemon tart and mint.
"I don't think this one will be good," I admit.
"Why? Did you poison it with plans to give it to Emanuel? If you did, I can't blame you."
"No." I roll my eyes.
"Do that again, and you'll pay for it." With disbelief, I blink as he adds, "Roll your eyes at me again, and I'll spank the shit out of this cunt of yours, Little Girl. I think you'd like it, too."
"I will not, and I've already told you that was a one-time thing."
He leaves his cup of coffee on the island and steps closer. "You didn't, actually. You were too busy comparing me to God."
I'm tempted to roll my eyes again but refrain. "Then I'm telling you now that I don't belong to you, and the other night was a one-time deal."
"Three times, but who's counting?"
"You are so arrogant." His full smile with white teeth and deep dimples makes me weak. He knows it, too, the asshole.
"Is it arrogant when it's the truth?"
I ignore his question. "Why did you bring me here?"
"I'll show you in a second, but first, tell me what's wrong with the cake?"
I scoff like a child. "I added something I thought might work, so it's not made by the classic recipe."
He tilts his head. "Let me be the judge of that, and while I'm at it, get to your knees."
The only sound in the room, as I stare at my intimidator, are the pants of the dog who clearly wants a taste of the food on the table because I'm surely not breathing.
"I'm waiting," Killian replies with amusement in his tone. "You know you want to, so be a good little girl and choke on my dick."
I want to tell him off, but my legs are trembling again and working of their own accord. Those assholes stand and kneel on the floor just for the dog to lick my face. I giggle like a child. Killian is not amused.
"Don't move. I'll take care of this mutt."
"Treat him kindly," I say, still giggling as Hero follows his person with obsidian eyes. I don't think Killian understands the dog has chosen him.