Page 12 of Nash
“Too many times, brother, too many times.”
He laughed and motioned for the bartender to come over. “Let’s get you a beer, and then we can catch up.”
As soon as I got my beer, we made our way over to an empty table and took a seat in a spot where we could see the dance floor. There were some couples out there, but, for the most part, it looked like it was just groups of friends dancing together. That was pretty common early on at the club, but as the night went on, more and more of those groups would be replaced with couples.
“So, how are things on the ranch?” Keith asked, leaning back in his chair and taking a long drink of his beer.
“Good. So much better than the last one.” And it was better. But being around Cruz, Nolan, and all his friends had me thinking, and sitting here in this club surrounded by pretty boys looking for a Daddy wasn’t really helping. I took a drink of my beer and debated what I wanted to say to Keith. I’d never questioned why he was single. I couldn’t remember him ever having a partner who was more to him than just a fuck. The closest I could think of was a girl named Mandy, who he’d dated for a little while a few years back, but even that hadn’t lasted long. He seemed to mostly go for guys, but none that he saw more than once or twice.
“Hey, I got a question for you.”
“Sure, shoot.”
“Do you ever get tired of this?” I motioned around the room. “Like maybe think it’s time to settle down?”
He shrugged. “Why? Do you? Have you met someone?”
“Nah, not at all. It’s just a bunch of the guys I work with have, and it’s got me to thinking. I mean, they all found their boys and settled down, and that got me to wondering what it would be like to have a boy to come home to every night.”
Keith shrugged his broad shoulders. “I’ve thought about it. My buddy Abe, I don’t know if you remember him, but he and his husband got married as soon as they could. They’ve been together for years, but he’s a businessman, not a firefighter. I don’t know if I want to put a boy through that, you know? Remember all those nights Mom would be up worrying because Dad was working a fire?”
“I remember.” My mom was a strong woman, but that didn’t mean she didn’t worry about my dad. She claimed she understood it, but there was no denying the fact that she seemed years younger now that he was retiring.
“But you don’t have that problem, so what’s stopping you? You could find yourself a boy. Settle down.”
“I’m a ranch hand, Keith. I live in a bunkhouse. Where would I put a boy if I had one?”
“I’m sure you would figure something out.”
“Maybe. I don’t know. It’s just something that’s been on my mind. I’d have to meet a boy I wanted to keep first, now wouldn’t I?”
Speaking of boys I wanted to keep, a pair of guys dancing together caught my attention. The one facing me was tall and lanky with longer blond hair, but the one with his back to me was mouth-watering. He was quite a bit shorter than his dance partner, but he moved like sin. He was wearing a pair of black booty shorts with a mesh top and had a head of curly dark hair that reminded me a whole lot of another curly-haired cutie I’d been trying to get off my mind here lately. He turned to face me, leaning back against the blond guy as they danced, and at first, I thought I must be imagining things. But then he looked right at me with those big blue eyes. Spencer. He froze when he saw me watching him.
“I’ll be back.” I sat my beer down on the table and headed straight for him. He saw me coming, and for a second, he looked like he might make a run for it, but then he straightened his shoulders and watched as I came toward him. The guy he was dancing with leaned down and said something in his ear, but he just gave his head a slight shake, and the other guy kissed his cheek and left him standing there waiting for me.
As soon as I was close enough, I reached out to him. I pulled him against me, and as soon as his body was flush with mine, I started moving with the music. Then I leaned down near his ear so he could hear me. “I didn’t expect to see you here, cutie.”
“Same here. My friend Julius wanted to come.”
“I’m glad he did.”
Our bodies fit perfectly, like they belonged together. Spencer was a great dancer, and having him in my arms was exactly what I needed, even if I hadn’t realized it. But unfortunately, it wasn’t long before the song ended.
He stepped back and took in a deep breath. “I should really go see where Julius got off to.”
“You’re welcome to come join us at our table. I’m here with my brother. Your friend could come, as well.”
“Looks to me like your brother already has his hands full.” He motioned over to the table where I’d left Keith.
I chuckled. It seemed Sammy had found his way back to my brother and was trying to convince him to get up and come out on the dance floor.
“Trust me, my brother won’t mind—”
“Nash,” my friend Nico interrupted, grabbing me and pulling me into a bro hug. “I haven’t seen you here in months. I thought maybe you found yourself a boy and settled down out in the boonies.”
I rolled my eyes. All the guys I’d grown up with liked to tease me about leaving the city to go and live in the country. “Nope, just been busy. Spencer, this is Nico, an old friend of mine. Nico, this is Spencer. I was telling him that Keith wouldn’t mind if he and his friend joined us at our table.”
“And I was about to say that we weren’t staying, but thanks. Nice to meet you, Nico.” Spencer gave a slight nod and then turned and walked off.