Page 20 of Nash
I reached out my hand. “Come here.”
“Come there?” he asked.
“Yeah, come here and sit with me.” He glanced down at the rabbit he’d been petting and back up at me. Then he set the rabbit down on the ground and took my hand. I gave him a tug and pulled him into my lap. He’d come so willingly, and I chuckled to myself. Not a good boy, my ass.
“Now, tell me.” I wrapped my arms around him and let just how perfectly he fit there sink in.
He let out a sigh. “This is my least favorite part of dating.”
“Sitting in your date’s lap?” I teased.
“No, not sitting in my date’s lap.” He let out an adorable little huff. “Telling them I identify as a side. That means—”
I reached up and put my finger on his lips, quieting him. “I know what a side is, Spencer. Just let me think for a minute.”
I’d never dated a boy before who identified as a side. Would I be okay with that? If anyone asked me hypothetically, I might have said no, but this wasn’t hypothetical. This was Spencer.
“I’m not broken,” he said quickly. “And I’ve never been abused or anything. This isn’t a trauma response. I just don’t like anal sex. And I won’t change my mind. I’ve tried.”
“I didn’t assume you were broken, cutie. I just wanted to really think about how I felt before I said anything. Also, I wouldn’t expect you to change your mind.”
“Then you’d be the first. Guys have said they were okay with it before, but in the end, they always try to change my mind.”
“Look at me.”
He looked up at me, waiting for what I was going to say.
“You’re a grown man, and you know your own mind. I would never try to get you to do something you don’t want to. Do you know what sex is supposed to be?” He didn’t answer me but just kept watching me. “Fun. A hell of a lot of fun. And if you aren’t enjoying yourself, then it’s not fun, is it?”
He shook his head. “No. No, it really isn’t.”
“Exactly, so if we do this thing, you have to trust that I know the score.”
“If we do what?” he asked, looking up at me, his big blue eyes meeting mine. “What are you thinking here?”
“I’m thinking that I want to give this thing between us a chance. Go on a few dates and see if we’re compatible. But since you were honest with me, I feel like I need to be honest with you. While it may be true that I haven’t dated a side before, that isn’t the only thing I haven’t done. I’ve actually never had a boy before.”
He sat up quickly. “Oh shit, are you serious? I just assumed because you were at the club…I’m so sorry…then, when I said I wasn’t looking for a Daddy, you didn’t correct me. Oh my god…”
“No, baby, I didn’t mean I wasn’t a Daddy. I am. I’m such a Daddy that when I tried to date guys who weren’t boys, they found me…difficult. Some might even say a bit controlling. What I meant was I’ve only played at the club or hooked up with guys who wanted to dip their toes in and call someone Daddy for a night. I’ve never had a boy I could call mine.”
“And you think you want that now? With a boy who isn’t interested in having you fuck him?”
“No, not just a boy who isn’t interested in me fucking him. In you. And there are plenty of other things we can do.”
“There are,” he said agreeably with a small smile. And for the first time since I came out here, I saw a glimpse of the boy I’d been thinking about for days on end. “But you have to promise you’ll tell me if you’re unhappy because I can’t handle another Daddy trying to change me…”
“You have my word. But I want to be clear. I don’t share, so if we are doing this thing, it’s just us.”
“Oh, crap. Your date.” He scrambled off my lap. “You left him out there to come find me. That’s so rude. I’m so sorry.”
“Steven wasn’t my date, baby. He’s an old friend. He was in town and wanted to hang out and catch up, but I had to come to this cookout, so he came with me. He isn’t my type at all.”
“Are you serious? I got all bent over someone who wasn’t even your date?”
“Yes, you did, and as a thank you to Steven, I’ll even forgive him for any embarrassing teenage stories he’s probably out there sharing with the guys.”
“Oh, does he have good ones? I’ll have to ask Nolan to share.”