Page 22 of Nash
“I bet it is. So what are you doing today?”
“Not much.” I shrugged. “Laundry, housework, you know the drill.” Way to sound exciting, Spence. Laundry and housework. I could have said I was planning to binge-watch a show or something. Anything that sounded halfway interesting.
“Anything that can’t wait?”
“Nah, not really.” Especially not if he was making a better offer. “Why?”
“I was calling to see if I could take you out to dinner, but now that I have you here, I’m hesitant to let you go. How about if we find something to do?”
“Like what? Laundry and cleaning my toilets is pretty hard to beat,” I teased.
“I don’t know. We could go over to Sweet Springs and catch a movie or something. I’ll have you back early enough to get your chores done. What’da ya say?”
“Sounds great, Nash. I’m in.”
Chapter 9
Today had been so much better than I’d expected. After the BBQ last night, Steven and I went out to The Watering Hole and stayed out way too late, catching up and trying to beat each other at darts. Then, when I woke up this morning, what had happened the night before really sank in.
Spencer and I were going to give this thing a shot. If we were going to try this, I wanted to do it right. I didn’t just want to take him to the local bar and then home for a quick blowjob. I wanted him to see that I valued him and thought he was worth my time and effort. Because I did, and he was.
My plan had been to give him a call mid-morning and set up a date, so when I’d walked into Cap’s and saw him standing at the counter waiting for his order, I took it as a sign.
Even then, I hadn’t planned on us doing anything that day, but once I had him sitting there across from me, I didn’t want to walk away. After all the things he’d said yesterday about his past, I wanted to spend some time just getting to know him. It amazed me that this sweet, almost always cheerful man had such a rough start in life.
I didn’t have any plans when we started out. I just knew I wanted to spend the day with him. Spencer climbed into my truck, and I headed for the highway.
“Do you go over to Sweet Springs often?” Spencer asked. “Or is Vesper more your go-to for fun?”
“Well, I grew up in Vesper.” I shrugged.
“Really, I didn’t realize that. I mean, I knew you went there because I saw you at the club, but I just figured that was where you went for fun.”
“Nope, that’s where I grew up. Went to Vesper High School and everything…go Vipers. Sometimes I go over there when Kirby’s has their Daddy night, but here lately, when I go, it’s usually to see my family.”
Truth was, I’d tired of Daddy nights at Kirby’s months before I stopped going. It wasn’t until I spent time around Cruz and Nolan as a couple that I realized it was because I wanted something more than those quick hook-ups, and it wasn’t until I saw Spencer there that night that I understood exactly what I wanted. Him.
“How about you, Spencer? If you weren’t looking for a Daddy that night, how did you find yourself in Kirby’s the one night of the month it’s full of them?”
He groaned. “That would be Julius’s doing. He knew I wanted a Daddy and talked me into going. Of course he didn’t tell me it was Daddy night until we were already there.”
“Ahh, a well-meaning friend, huh?”
“Yeah. I grew up in Austin, and so did Julius. We’ve been friends for years. He’s a couple years older than me and likes to play big brother. He moved to Vesper a couple years ago, and I go see him pretty often. My grandparents have a ranch in Prairie Flats. Do you know where that is?”
“I do.”
Prairie Flats was a little nothing of a town about halfway between Vesper and River Gorge. I’d actually dated a guy who lived in Prairie Flats for a while, not that Spencer needed to know that.
“Pretty much no one has ever heard of it. My grandmother usually just says their ranch is outside of Vesper, so she doesn’t have to explain, but being from the area, it makes sense you would know where it was.”
“Yeah, I think a lot of the small towns around Vesper do that.”
“When I first took the job in River Gorge, I stayed out at my grandparents’ place and went into Vesper to hang out with Julius a lot back then. He loves to go to Kirby’s, but that was the first time I’d been when they were having Daddy night.”
“So what you said about your mother dying and your dad kicking you out. Is that when you went to live with your grandparents?”