Page 28 of Nash
As nice as that sounded, I doubted it was likely to happen, but I didn’t tell her that. I just smiled and nodded. “That’s the plan.”
“What’s the plan?” Nash asked as he sat a tray covered in food down in front of me.
Tammy chuckled. “Nothing concerning you. Spencer and I were just talking about our knitting class. Now I need to get back to my shop, and I’ll let you get back to your date.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you next Saturday.” We watched her walk off.
“Slide over for me, cutie.” I quickly did as he said and moved over to make room for him beside me. “I got us spring rolls to share, but if you don’t like them, don’t think you have to take any.”
“Oh, good. I didn’t even think about spring rolls, but I really do like them.”
He began dividing up the food.
“So, you’re taking a knitting class, then?”
“I am. I go every Saturday morning.”
“That must be where you were headed that morning you didn’t stay for coffee with me then.”
“It was. I’m new at it, though, so I’m not very good. I wanted to learn because my mom knitted, but it’s harder than I expected.”
“I’m sure it’s just something that you have to practice.”
I shrugged. “Maybe, or maybe it just isn’t for me. I don’t know yet, but I’m not going to quit until I finish this class.”
“Good for you. Then, even if you decide it isn’t for you, you’ll have given it a shot.”
We didn’t talk much for the next few minutes, instead focusing on eating our food while it was hot. I don’t know what it was about Pad Thai from a food truck, but it was always the best.
“So how’s your food?” I asked after a bit. Not that I needed to ask based on how quickly he’d eaten it.
“So good, like seriously so good. How about yours?”
“Same. So what do you want to do when we’re done?”
He shrugged and then looked around. “Just check out all the booths, I guess. My grandparents’ anniversary is coming up, maybe I’ll find a special gift for them. I want something unique and special, but I’m not sure what.”
“You might find something. How much time do you have to find it?”
“Just a few weeks, so not long, especially if it’s something specially made.”
“Well, if you don’t find anything here, we can run into Vesper tomorrow and see what we find.”
“That would be great. Thanks.” He smiled up at me, and my heart skipped a beat. This boy was so damn sweet, and those smiles of his made me feel like a million bucks. I wasn’t sure what the deal was. It wasn’t like I hadn’t done nice things for other guys I’d been with or they hadn’t smiled at me, but there was just something different about the way Spencer did it. Something that felt special and just for me.
I threw away our trash and then took his hand. “Let’s go see what we can find.”
We walked around from booth to booth, looking at all the things the vendors had for sale. I really had no idea there were so many talented people in the area. There were people selling signs cut from metal, hand-carved wood figures, and scroll-cut wood wall hangings and signs. One person was selling stepping stones that had been decorated with glass mosaics, and one had custom quilts and embroidery work. We spent a fair amount of time talking to the woman who made the stepping stones, and I thought maybe Spencer had found his gift, but unfortunately, she didn’t think she could get it done in the time frame he needed.
“I really shouldn’t have waited so long to start looking. I’ve known about the anniversary party for a couple weeks now,” he said as we walked away.
“A couple weeks where you’ve been working yourself half to death, cutie. Don’t get down on yourself.”
“I guess. It’s just that they mean so much to me, you know. There was a time when I was so alone, and I didn’t think I would ever have a family, and Patty and Mike—” He stopped walking and looked up at me, eyes glistening. He shook his head and took a deep breath before continuing on. “Patty and Mike aren’t just my grandparents in name. They mean it, Nash. Seriously, I can tell you right now, if anyone insinuated they weren’t because I was a teenager when I was adopted or because I wasn’t their blood, Patty would fight them. There’s some serious mama bear energy going on there.”