Page 31 of Nash
“Blowjobs are my favorite.”
“Really? To give or receive?”
“Well, both, but especially to give.” I felt my cheeks heat and felt so silly. We were two adults having an adult conversation about sex. There was nothing for me to be embarrassed about.
I nodded yes, and thankfully, he didn’t make me answer out loud that time.
“Bondage?” he asked.
And I froze for a second. I hadn’t expected that. “Are you into bondage?”
“Not particularly, but you said anything.”
“True enough, I did.” I thought about that one for a second. “Well, I would say not right away, but I would be willing to try it down the road once we know each other better. But that’s what I would say to most anything I haven’t tried.”
“Good answer.” He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before sitting back up straight. “You remember what I said the other day about sex, right? It’s supposed to be fun for both people, right?”
I nodded again, but he just cocked his head to the side and waited.
“Yes, Daddy, I remember what you said.”
“I meant that. I don’t ever want you to do anything you don’t enjoy. There are so many fun ways to get off that don’t include penetration.”
“When my ex and I broke up, he said it was because he couldn’t live the rest of his life without sex. I told him we were having lots of sex. Like all the time. But he said it didn’t count if he didn’t get to fuck me.” I hated even saying that out loud. I’d honestly thought we were fine until he made it very clear we weren’t, and that, by itself, made me feel foolish. Like how had I not realized all his talk about what we did being enough was nothing but a bunch of lies?
“Well, that’s the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard. Did you cum? Did he cum? If the answer is yes, then it counts.”
There was this little voice in my head that insisted Nash was just saying that. Maybe he even believed it, but that as time went on and I didn’t change my mind, I wouldn’t be enough for him either, but I just told that voice to shut up. I wanted this with Nash, and I was going to have it for however long it lasted.
I reached up and gripped the back of his head and pulled his mouth to mine. He was so much bigger than I was and no doubt stronger, too, but he didn’t resist at all. He opened for me, letting me take what I wanted. When I finished, I pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “Is that enough talk for now, Daddy? ‘Cause I really want to blow you.”
He chuckled and leaned down for another kiss. “I guess it’ll do for now, but not here on your couch and not with the cat watching us.”
I looked around to find Ari sitting on the top of his cat tree, watching us in that bored way cats had. I’d been so focused on Nash that I’d completely forgotten about Ari.
“The good news is the bedroom has a door.” I stood up, and he did the same.
He reached for my hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing my palm. “Lead the way, baby boy.”
I bit back a giggle because this was a small apartment. The bedroom was the only other place we could go, so I was pretty sure he could find it on his own. But I didn’t point that out. Instead, I just did as he said and led him into the bedroom.
He pushed the door closed behind him and leaned back against it. “Now, I want you completely naked. I’ve been going crazy wondering what you look like under those clothes ever since I saw you at the club. You were showing just enough that night for me to know I can’t wait to see the rest.”
I considered telling him I wanted the same thing in return, but I didn’t want to come across as bossy. From the things he’d said, I knew he liked to be in charge, and I had no problem with that. I just wished he would be in charge with less clothes on.
I reached up and started unbuttoning my shirt. His eyes followed my hands as I slowly undid each button until the shirt was hanging open. Then I moved to the button on my black jeans and popped it open. Next came the zipper. I was already hard, so I lowered it carefully. Here came the next test, as the black fabric of my lace boxer briefs peaked out the top of my pants.
He slowly licked his lips and made a motion with his hand that I should continue. I pushed the pants down my thighs and kicked them off my feet and to the side, leaving me standing there in front of him in a pair of black lace underwear and an open shirt, just a tiny bit short of totally exposed.
He pushed off the door and strode toward me. He wrapped one hand in my hair and dragged my mouth to his, while he trailed the index finger of his other hand down my chest, following the line of hair down past my belly button to the lace band of my briefs.
“Fuck, Spencer. You’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Just look at you.”
I didn’t believe that for a minute, but that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy hearing it. He reached up and pushed the shirt off my shoulders, and it fell to the floor. I reached for the band to push the briefs down, but he stilled my hands with his.
“Leave those on for me until I have a chance to really look at you.” He took a step back and motioned for me to turn around. I felt ridiculous doing it at first until I’d made a full turn and saw the look in his eyes. They’d darkened even more than normal, and his expression was almost predatory. “Fuck, baby.”