Page 33 of Nash
“Do you have to go?” I asked, sounding just as vulnerable as I felt. We hadn’t discussed if he was spending the night or not.
“Not unless you want me to. I put an overnight bag in my truck.”
“Such a prepared Daddy.” I kissed him on the chest. “Let’s just stay right here and not move then.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me. Besides, I don’t think I should drive home right now, anyway. I think you blew my mind.”
“Now you’re just being silly.”
“Nope, best blowjob ever, honest.”
I didn’t know if I believed him or not, but in that moment, basking in the afterglow of what we’d just done, I wasn’t going to argue.
“You didn’t tell me you were a biter, though,” he added.
“Crap, I’m sorry, I’m not usually, I just—”
He reached up and put a finger over my mouth, shushing me. “Hush, cutie, I’m not complaining. That was hot.”
I wasn’t sure what to say to that, so I just lay there in his arms until sleep took me away.
Chapter 12
One curse of working on a ranch is waking up early, but at least this morning I didn’t wake up alone. And it wasn’t just Spencer in the bed. At some point during the night, he’d let the cat in, so I had Spencer curled up on one side and his massive ball of fur on the other. Not that I minded. I loved cats, and I was never going to complain about having my boy sleeping peacefully beside me.
I rarely spent the night with a guy after a casual hook-up, but this was different. No part of me was stupid enough to think this thing with Spencer was casual. I already knew I had no intentions of letting him go anytime soon, if ever. It was too soon for me to say I was in love with the boy, but I was pretty sure I was quickly on my way there.
I carefully pulled my arm out from under him, maneuvered the cat into the spot next to him, grabbed my jeans off the floor, and quietly made my way out of the bedroom. Just because I had to get up at o-dark-thirty didn’t mean he had to. I went into his kitchen, being as quiet as possible, and got some coffee brewing. I was pleased to see his kitchen was well stocked, so next, I got breakfast started.
Cooking wasn’t something I often did, but since we were on our own in the bunkhouse on the weekends, I had to make breakfast sometimes if I didn’t want to drive in early enough to go to the diner. After seeing what ingredients he had on hand, it didn’t take me long at all to whip up a couple of omelets. I’d just finished the second omelet when Ari appeared, wrapping himself around my feet and meowing.
“I think he likes you,” Spencer said in a half-awake voice from the doorway. He was wearing a pair of sweats that hung low on his hips, a pair of glasses, and nothing else. That curly hair that I loved was a tousled mess and was absolutely adorable. I’d seen sexy at the club Spencer, dressed up for a date Spencer, and everyday hanging out Spencer, but this still drowsy, just rolled out of a bed we’d shared Spencer was my favorite so far.
I leaned down to give the cat a pet. “I like him, too. I always liked cats, but my sister, Becca, she’s allergic, so we could never have one growing up. There are a couple barn cats out at the ranch that are friendly, though.”
Spencer looked at the omelets on the table, and the little bit of a mess I’d made that I hadn’t had a chance to clean up yet, and his eyes lit up. “You made breakfast?”
“I made breakfast,” I said, confirming the obvious. “And there’s coffee, but I wasn’t sure how you took it first thing in the morning to fix you a cup.”
“Pretty much the same way I take it the rest of the day. The creamier and the sweeter, the better.”
“Good to know. Are you hungry?”
“Me, too. Now, come give me a kiss, and we can eat.” Morning afters could be so freaking awkward, but I had no intention of that being the case with us. I wanted more of last night. Not just the sex part, but all of it, and I wanted to make sure he knew that.
He came right to me, and I wrapped him in a hug, then leaned down and brushed a light kiss across his lips. “That’s all until after we eat. Then I’ll run down and get my bag from the truck so I can shower, brush my teeth, and kiss you proper-like.”
“A shower sounds good.”
“Maybe we can share if your shower’s big enough for two. But eat first before it gets cold.” I pointed at the food that was sitting at the small round table waiting for us.
Ari let out a loud, mournful meow, and Spencer laughed. “I should give him some food, too. He’s used to eating first thing in the morning.”
I got him a cup of coffee and added some of the flavored creamer I’d seen in the fridge while he fed the cat. I put the coffee and the creamer both on the table just in case I didn’t add enough. Then, I poured myself a cup of black coffee and took a seat.