Page 48 of Nash
I loved that Nash was making plans that meant we would still be together this summer, and that he assumed I would come and watch him play if he joined the softball team. It fed something inside of me that made me hope this time would be different. That this time, I’d get to have this for myself.
As soon as Bear and Ty walked off to join their teammates, Nash turned to look at me. “I hadn’t met Bear before, but I have seen him.”
“That doesn’t surprise me. River Gorge isn’t exactly a big place.”
“It wasn’t in River Gorge; it was at the club I used to go to in Vesper. The one where you saw me.”
“Oh.” I let that sink in for a second. “You mean Bear’s a Daddy?”
“So Ty…”
“Is his boy.”
“That’s really cool. Although I’m not surprised.”
“You’re not?”
I shook my head. “Nope. You should have seen the two of them in the clinic when Ty hurt his ankle. Bear was so protective of him and treated him like he was the most important thing in the world. It was really sweet. Bear was for sure giving off Daddy energy that day, and Ty was eating it up.”
“Well, good for them,” Nash said with a grin.
“So if you know he’s a Daddy, then…”
“He knows I am, as well, and I’m sure he will tell Ty before they come back our way, but neither of them will say anything to anyone else. Some people are very open about their relationships—”
“Like Ripley and Reed. Ripley doesn’t hide it at all.”
“Exactly, and some people are more private about it.”
“Like Cruz and Nolan. I’ve never heard Nolan call Cruz Daddy. If he hadn’t told me, I would’ve had no idea.”
“Right. It’s up to each couple to decide how they want to handle it.”
“What do you prefer?”
He shrugged and reached for my hand. “Baby boy, as long as everyone knows you’re mine, I don’t care what else they know. That’s totally up to you.”
I chuckled. “Possessive much?”
He looked at me, and those dark brown eyes locked with mine. “I never have been, but with you, I’m finding I am. Is that okay?”
“You know, Daddy, I think maybe it is.”
“Good boy,” he growled, pulling me in for a kiss.
Up until that moment, I hadn’t been sure if I should ask him to come with me to my grandparents’ party or not. I knew Nathan thought I should, but it had felt like a big step, one I was worried would scare him off.
“So my grandparents’ anniversary party is this weekend. Do you want to come with me?”
“I would love to, sweet boy.”
“Good, good. Okay then. I know it’ll be a lot, but like my Uncle Nathan pointed out, maybe everyone will be too busy with the party to give you the third degree.”
A shout went up from the crowd of guys that came in with Bear and Ty, and then they left their friends and came back over to the table.
“Carrie Anne hasn’t been back over here yet. My guess is the kitchen is probably slammed.”