Page 51 of Nash
“Well, that’s true. So are you ready to go meet the fam?”
I took one last nervous look at the people who were gathered to celebrate his grandparents’ anniversary. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”
“I hope so ‘cause here comes hurricane Kayla.”
I looked up, and sure enough, a pretty blonde in a flowy skirt, huge, beaded earrings, and multiple necklaces and bracelets sporting all different crystals rushed our way across the arena.
Spencer hopped out of the car and met her halfway, giving her a hug. I got out and opened the back door of his car where the cake we’d picked up from Cap’s Coffee and Cakes waited. The two of them bounced up beside me.
“Nash, this is Kayla. Kayla, this is Nash.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Nash. Everyone’s really excited to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too. Where should we put the cake?”
She peeked around me into the car at the massive sheet cake that took up most of the back seat. “Oh wow, that’s huge.”
“It is, but Nathan gave me a headcount, and this is what Frankie said we needed to feed that many.”
“It’s going on that table right over there. Do I need to get someone to help?” she asked.
“No, we got it, but if you could take my gift and put it with the others, that would be awesome.” Spencer reached into the back and pulled out the star chart he’d had framed and wrapped for them, handing it to Kayla.
Dropping the cake wouldn’t exactly make the best first impression, so I was relieved when we made it to the table and sat it down. But any relief I felt was short-lived because we’d no sooner removed the cover off the cake before I looked up and saw two men standing there watching us, and even if I hadn’t seen a picture of the two men in Spencer’s apartment, I would’ve known it was them just by the way he’d described them.
Spencer gave both his dads a hug and then stepped back beside me, slipping his hand in mine and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
The one in the boots and cowboy hat was the first to say anything. He stepped up and held out a hand. “You must be Nash.”
“Yes, sir,” I said, sticking out my hand to shake his. It felt odd to address someone not that much older than me that way, but no matter his age, adopted or not, he was Spencer’s father.
“You can call me Lincoln, and this here is Matt.”
“It’s nice to meet both of you. Spencer’s told me a lot about you both.”
“Some of it was even good,” Spencer said in a teasing tone, and both his dads laughed.
“Of course it was. We’re awesome, aren’t we, babe?” Matt winked at Lincoln. It was easy to see what Spencer had meant when he’d said his dads’ relationship was something special.
“Where are Gramma Patty and Grandpa Mike?” Spencer asked.
Lincoln looked around and shook his head. “They were right over there with the Morrisons last time I saw them. They’re around here somewhere, though.”
I started to ask him if he wanted to wander around and look for them, but before I had a chance, two kids, a boy and girl, I was guessing around seven or so, came barreling through the crowd. They skidded to a stop right in front of Spencer.
“Spencer! You’re here!” the girl squealed.
“Hey there, Danni girl. How’re you doing?” He swooped her up into a hug. I recognized the name. This must be his Uncle Nathan’s twins. He’d said that he spent a lot of time with them when he lived in Austin.
“I’m good, but we miss you.”
“I know. I miss you, too, and so does Ari. You should come see us soon.” He was speaking to Danni, but he reached for her brother at the same time and pulled him into the hug, as well.
“Gramma Patty got us ponies,” David said in a voice barely above a whisper.
“She said it was time we had horses of our own, so she got them for us. Isn’t that awesome?”
“That is awesome,” Spencer said.