Page 59 of Nash
“Oh man, a burger and fries sounds great.”
Me: Will you grab a burger and fries for Shay?
Daddy: Sure thing.
“I’m so jealous. I swear you found the only good man in River Gorge.”
“I’m sure he’s not the only good man. How about Samuel? Didn’t you two go out a couple times?”
“We did, but that’s a dead-end street. He’s still hung up on his ex. I don’t want to be anyone’s second choice. I want a guy who’ll treat me the way Nash treats you.”
“He is pretty incredible. I never thought I’d find a guy who was so right for me. I’m sure you will, too.”
Monica stuck her head in the breakroom door. “Guys, I put a baby with a cough in room three.”
I downed the rest of my coffee and tossed the cup in the trash. “Okay, back to it. Do you want it, Shay?”
“Sure. Besides, you need to wait for Nash to get here with our food,” she said. That was what I’d expected her to say. Shay loved babies. If we had a pediatrician’s office here in town, I was sure that was where she would be working.
A short time later, I got another text from Nash letting me know he was here. I hurried out the side door to meet him at his truck. He opened the door and held his arms out wide. I stepped into them and let him wrap me in a hug.
“It’s good to see you, sweet boy,” he said as I burrowed in close.
“I wish I had time to sit down and eat with you, but Shay and I will probably be taking turns sneaking a few bites of our food.”
“Did you eat breakfast?”
“Yes, Daddy. I ate breakfast, so I won’t starve.” I reached around him and grabbed the bag from the diner. “Besides, how could I when you brought me onion rings?”
He leaned down and stole a quick kiss. “Before I go, my mom called me this morning. My dad’s going to be receiving an award for his service when he was the fire chief. There’s going to be a ceremony and everything. I don’t know if you can get off work next Friday, but if you can, I thought maybe you could go with me. I met your whole family, so I figured it was time you met mine.”
“I’m sure I can make it work.” I hadn’t taken a personal day in the entire time I’d worked here, so I didn’t expect it to be a problem.
“Good, you can meet Keith and Danny. Hopefully, you won’t decide you’re with the wrong Brooks brother.” He said that like he was joking, but he’d made enough comments about how impressive his brothers were for me to know he was only half-kidding around.
“I have the best Brooks brother for me, and that’s what matters.” I leaned back in for another kiss. “But I need to get back to work. Will I see you later?”
“As long as nothing comes up that Cruz needs me to stay at the ranch for.”
“Good. I’ll see you this evening, then.”
After I dropped off Spencer’s food, I finished up my errands and headed back out to the ranch. On the way, I called my brother Keith to let him know I would have a plus one for the weekend. He worked rotating twenty-four-hour shifts at the firehouse, so I didn’t know if he’d be available or not, but I got lucky, and he answered right away.
“Hey, little brother, what’s up?”
“Not much. Just headed back out to the ranch after making a trip to the feed store. How about you? Are you at work?”
“Not today. I’ll be on tomorrow, and then I’ll be off Friday and Saturday.”
“That works out well for Dad’s thing.”
“It does. Plus, it’s Daddy/boy night at the club this week, so it works out good since you’ll be in town. You might be off the market, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time.”
“Yeah, about that. I’m bringing Spencer with me this weekend. We can get a hotel or something; it’s no big deal.”
“Get a hotel? What the fuck for? You always stay with me when you come to town, and the fact that you’re bringing your boy with you doesn’t change that.”