Page 75 of Nash
“Don’t you dare call me that! You promised if you decided I wasn’t enough, you would tell me. And I believed you. I actually believed you.”
Of course I hadn’t driven, so I didn’t even have a car to make an escape. I would have to order a rideshare to Julius’s place and then get him to drive me home when he got off work.
I turned and rushed down the hall to the room we’d stayed in. I could collect my things and then go wait outside for the car. How could I have been so stupid?
“Spencer, wait. We need to talk,” Nash called after me. But I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say. I made it to the bedroom and slammed the door behind me.
My duffle bag was on the floor by the wall. I started across the room to get it when the first knock came.
Knock, knock. “Spencer, baby, talk to me.” Knock, knock.
“No, go away,” I called back as I snatched the bag up along with my outfit from last night. I’d hoped to hold back the tears until I was away from here, but it was no use. They streamed down my face as I shoved the clothes in the bag.
“Spencer, please.” He sounded so upset, but he wasn’t the only one. I thought I’d finally found not just a man, but a Daddy, who could love me exactly the way I was, and there he was the whole time, not sure if what I offered was enough.
“Go away,” I sobbed. “Just leave me alone.”
“No. I won’t. I don’t know what you think you heard, but whatever it was, it didn’t mean what you think it means, and I got nowhere else to be, so I can wait out here all day if I have to.”
What I’d heard had been clear as day. Dammit, when would I ever be enough for anyone? I wasn’t enough for my real father to give a shit about, and I hadn’t been enough for any of the guys I’d dated, and Freddy had made sure I knew I wasn’t enough for him.
“I mean it, Spencer, I’m not leaving.”
The door didn’t even have a lock, so if he wanted in so badly, he could just open the stupid thing. I stomped over there and jerked the door open. “We don’t have anything to talk about. You said you didn’t know if what we had together was enough. So fine, you can just…just…go suck eggs.”
I grabbed the door to slam it shut again, but he reached out his hand and stopped the door.
“I did not say that what we have isn’t enough.” He wrinkled up his brow like he was thinking really hard, then his eyes widened, and he sucked in a breath. “No, baby, no. That wasn’t what I meant at all.”
“Oh yeah, then just exactly what did you mean?”
There was no way he was talking himself out of this. I heard what I heard.
“I was talking about the house.” Now I was the one who looked confused. “The new job comes with a house. The one Murphy was living in. It’s mine now. I was planning on telling you when we got back.”
He walked toward the bed and reached for me. I let him take my hand and tug me down next to him.
“I don’t understand what that has to do with me being satisfied, but you’re not.”
“Spencer,” he said softly. “I was planning on asking you to move in there with me, but I was telling Keith it wasn’t enough. That while you would be happy there, I wanted to give you something more, like a place of our own.” He shrugged.
“You want me to move to the ranch with you?”
“Come here.” He reached for me and pulled me into his lap. Then he gently wiped away the trails of tears on both my cheeks. “Yes, baby boy. I love you. You’re not just enough for me. You’re everything to me.”
I swallowed down a knot that was lodged in my throat. “You love me?”
“Yeah, I kind of figured you knew that at this point.”
“I love you, Daddy.” I buried my face in his neck and cried tears of a different kind.
“I hope those are happy tears now,” he said, placing a kiss on top of my head.
“They are, they really are.” I wiped my tears and sat back, looking him in the eyes. “Nash, you’re everything I want in a Daddy. You make sure I take care of myself, you encourage me to be my best self, and you tell me you’re proud of me. You even send me flowers, bring me Chinese food, and buy me books. What else could I possibly want?”
He shrugged. “Just like you’re everything I want in a boy. There’s nothing I feel like I’m missing and not a single thing I would change about you. I mean it, baby boy. Do you hear me?”
“Yes, Daddy, I hear you.”