Page 36 of Daddy Christmas
I smiled to myself and closed my eyes once more as he showered off the suds from my hair.
“I love my job, Parker,” he murmured. “It fills me with a sense of purpose and keeps me afloat. But on a personal level, I’ve been drowning for years. I’ve distanced myself from everything and everyone. I became moody and cynical.”
That was the Mr. Abrams I’d known!
Not anymore.
“Then one day, a boy rambled about doing cartwheels on my Persian rug,” he mused. “He just wouldn’t shut up.”
I spluttered a laugh.
“He told me I deserved a lump of coal from Santa,” he added. “And that I was a grinch. Then he asked if we should carpool the next day, and he gave me snickerdoodles.”
He shifted the showerhead away from me, and I turned around and looked up at him.
He let out a breath and returned the showerhead to its mount. “You changed everything for me. And that’s what I want more of. More excitement, more adorable yet bizarrely wise rambles from someone who sees the world differently than I do. More spontaneity. More…insane triple backflips that blow my mind.”
I grinned, and I started falling…
He touched my cheek. “I simply adore being around you.”
I simply adored being around him too.
He wasn’t the grinch anymore anyway. He was the best, hottest, kindest Daddy Christmas.
I scrambled up onto my knees and glided over to him, and I reached up to kiss him. “I honestly can’t get enough of you, Wyatt.”
He drew a breath and cupped my cheek. “Then let’s not pretend,” he whispered. “I have a busy December, and I want to see you as much as possible. Stay with me for a while.”
I nodded and kissed him again, deeper this time, suddenly very needy. I locked my arms around his neck, and he groaned into the kiss. I hoped he knew me well enough to see this coming…
I pulled him back.
He sucked in a breath, and a second later, he was tumbling down back first into the tub, and water splashed all around us.
He resurfaced with a laugh and a cough and instantly yanked me to his body. “You little shit, I was waiting for that.”
Good! Then he could’ve prevented it if he didn’t wanna get wet!
I climbed up on his lap and kissed him silly.
“I forwarded them to Mr. Williams—I’m not going out there again.” I was going to stay hidden behind my computer screen for the rest of the day.
So you plant a smooch on your man outside the HR office, and suddenly you’re the talk of the town in all the bullpens.
I’d just been happy about our HR-official status. It was the office romance’s equivalent to marriage. I wasn’t completely brand-new; I wasn’t planning on riding Daddy’s cock in the cafeteria or anything, but yeah, fuck it, I’d jumped up and kissed him real quick, and people had noticed. Now everyone knew.
“Aww, Parker’s grumpy about being the star of today’s work gossip.” Mya pouted.
I flipped her off.
“I take it you’re not having lunch with us?” Kim asked.
I held up my food container that’d been on my desk all morning. “I’m all set. See you later.”