Page 127 of Parts of Us
“Sort of…?” He dragged out the response. “He went outside to get more eggs, but he took his Kindle, so lemme check the porch.”
“Okay.” I smiled and dug out the big toiletry kit.
I’d called when I knew Kyla was usually down for her nap, so maybe Archie was taking a breather.
“Archiepants? Are you reading another romance novel?” I heard Corey ask. Then he whispered to me, “He likes to read about butt stuff.”
I snickered, well aware. We read the same books. I wanted low-angst, undying love, and butt stuff. Macklin preferred his butt stuff with heartbreak and second chances. Archie wanted royalty or omegaverse and butt stuff. Tate and Ivy read everything, as long as they got possessive men and butt stuff.
“Who is it?” Archie asked in the background.
“It’s Campants,” Corey replied.
“Oh—gimme! Thank you, love.” A beat later, Archie spoke into the phone. “Did you get Master Kingsley and Tate’s wedding invitation yet?”
I beamed. That’s why I’d called!
* * *
“Cam, are you home?” Master called.
“Upstairs, Sir! I’ll be right there!” I hurried to stow away KC’s shirts before I ran down the stairs.
I stumbled upon Master in the hallway, and he looked so delicious. Sunny spring and no stress worked! He seemed to have found a comfortable happy medium in polo shirts and nice chinos too, so he didn’t have to choose between the fanciest and the…less-so. Also, he was super sexy in shades.
“There you are, darling. I could use some help carrying stuff in from the car.”
“Of course, Owner.” I stuck my feet into my shoes and followed him out and down to the driveway. “What did you buy?”
“Nothing yet, but I brought home countless samples and catalogues.”
“By the way,” he said, turning to me. He tucked his shades into the neckline of his shirt. “Speech control will be a fantastic feature right now.” He pinched my mouth shut and smirked. “Understood?”
I nodded dutifully, filled with as much surprise as giddiness. We hadn’t played around with speech restrictions in weeks!
“Good boy. Now…” He opened the back of the SUV, and I felt the surprise growing quickly. What on earth was this? “Help me carry this into the living room. I want everything on the coffee table.”
Um, okay. I stepped closer and eyed the catalogues. Very thick catalogues—with samples, I realized. Tiles, types of wood, mosaic, wallpaper, stone…?
“I want more warmth in our home,” he said. “I headed out to buy a damn pot to plant the tomato seeds Penelope gave me, and then there was a lady asking me if I needed planters, clay pots, or whatever a fucking plug tray is. So I gave up on the spot and turned around—and I saw this showroom terrace, and it made me think about the kitchen, about our living room, and…” A breath gusted out of him. “In short, I want to make changes.”
Could I just propose to him right here and now?
Lucian was home. Physically, mentally, emotionally—he was here, and he wanted to be invested in how our home looked. He wanted warmth.
Holy crap, was I happy.
Wasting no time, I stacked three heavy catalogues in my arms and got started.
Master followed me with a few more catalogues. “By the way, we have a slight scheduling conflict on Friday. KC invited Ash over for dinner, and I invited Ty and Lane, so plan for three extra plates.”
Yes, Master!
“As for redecorating our home,” he went on. “I was thinking marble and purple velvet.”
I came to a screeching halt and spun around. “What?” I squeaked like a freaking mouse.